The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Keep 'em coming... wish I had a prize I could give to the winner
anyone with any thoughts about putting my broilers out with lows in the 40's? three weeks old, not many feathers on their bottomsides. 25 of them, and the back half of the tractor is sheltered? They're running out of room in the grow out box but I don't want them freezing outside!
It is too cold out for any breed of chick that is not fully feathered. If it was 60-70 you might be able to get away with it. If you can build a temporary *heated room* in your tractor till they are feathered you might be ok. A heavy cardboard box with a 70 watt bulb might do it.
I think the biggest problem with lightweight for a hoop is the night predator issue. If it's light they can sneak under.
You can always build on a floor of hard wire. Cover it with dirt and let the grass grow threw the wire.

A light weight one would be like the one Mumsy made with PVC. They can be tacked down with tent stakes. I am considering making one out in the woods next year for a grow out pen. It will be PVC and hard wire with a heavy tarp for a roof. I will leave one end open and a screened in porch.

And they all have the same daddy:

Rooster Boy...SFH (Still need to give this man a proper name. Any suggestions?)

His name should be..Trident

3 variety of colored reds
Name of a flower also
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And they all have the same daddy:

Rooster Boy...SFH (Still need to give this man a proper name. Any suggestions?)

My boy saw him and said Its a Santa chicken!
It took me a minute to see it but sure with the white hair and the red stocking cap (comb) I guess it kind of looks like a Santa chicken. Could just be my boy wanting Christmas.

Anyone up for guessing the gender of my 11 week old Sumatra and 3 mixed chickens ~ 12 weeks old:

There is the 1 Sumatra, named Tiny.
There are 3 mixed chickens 1/2 PRIR and 1/2 BLRW. One has almost no blue in the tail. One has lots of blue in the tail and the other has some blue in the tail. For me it is the quickest way to tell them apart. I have not banded them yet as I plan to either eat them or add them to my general mixed layers to get more mixed chicks.
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I can't get photobucket to load up but I know this is the link if you copy and paste into a new window can you open them?

My rooster has been getting dark cast on the back of his comb and then later it is all bright red! Does that happen with mood? :idunno Day- Got an egg/th_DSCF0023_zps608a8dfa.jpg Day- Got an egg/DSCF0021_zps45b5e13f.jpg coop build/th_DSCF0025_zpsf30ca6fa.jpg

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