The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Quote: Sorry about the furlough. Dh is having his schedule cut back at his job. It does make for a lot of issues.
Your pens were looking great though and I'm hoping to start the planning for something similar as soon as we finish our new coop. At first I was thinking of setting up the coop as half breeding pens half for the rest of the adults but your pens look so nice.

I am sorry for posting a controversial topic. My intent was for jocular purposes. I am removing my original post and ask that it not be argued about please.
Again I apologize to anyone who has been upset.
It was a funny picture. I saw it in face book earlier. I had to stop and wonder about those who made them or actually ate them. They are funny looking though.
I am sorry for posting a controversial topic. My intent was for jocular purposes. I am removing my original post and ask that it not be argued about please.
Again I apologize to anyone who has been upset.
I suspect you were warned for posting a picture of food & reminding women to get their health checked?

I want to thank you, actually. You reminded me I need to speak with my doctor soon. If you didn't post that, I might have ignored it another year. I've been so focused on my poultry that I've been forgetting to think of my own health (naturally). If someone is upset by food & a friendly reminder, they can report me too.
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I am sorry for posting a controversial topic. My intent was for jocular purposes. I am removing my original post and ask that it not be argued about please.
Again I apologize to anyone who has been upset.

Are you talking about the mammogram thing? I don't think that was controversial. I apologize if I took it that direction.
I have a chart I use for my various breeds... most of my production birds and my SFH eat about .25 lbs/day dry... HRIR will consumme about .33lb/day dry.
These numbers are total feed... they don't even eat half this much when free ranging.
Also... I ferment and my FF weighs 2.25 times more than when it is dry (yes I am anal
), so I use 2.25 times the dry weights above for actual daily feeding.

This is adult birds beyond 6 months of age... I have a graduated chart (as you can imagine with my analness
) that hangs on the feedroom wall for what chicks get per each week of their age.

I am "supposed" to be helping several on here balance their rations, and I apologize for just now getting back to a normal schedule... it's been a crazy few months here... youngest left for college, oldest got married, MIL past away, fall lambs are being born, a new calf is due any day, and my parents moved/downsized - all in the same month.
I am finally getting the garden plowed under and getting my winter lettuce in and beginning to think about culling most of my cockerels for the winter... in addition to taking a deep breath and remembering to be thankful for all the blessings in my life... so please bear with me and I hope to get to everyone's ration balancing help this week.
Thats alright I get anal sometimes also. We said almost the same thing .25 pounds is 4 ounces and .33 pounds is 5.3 ounces close enough to 6
Sorry I did not get a chance to address this sooner

Our new Alpaca, Vivian :)
She is so sweet! I love their fuzzy faces!

I am sorry for posting a controversial topic. My intent was for jocular purposes. I am removing my original post and ask that it not be argued about please.
Again I apologize to anyone who has been upset.
No offense taken here, Delisha!! Goodness gracious people need to lighten up!
Both my husband & I thought it was funny!! It is certainly something that all of us should be aware of. I have 2 friends--both in their 40's--who had to have a double masectomy. They said the one thing that is getting them through it is having a sense of humor about the situation. One has started a Knitted Knockers group and donating their creations to a local hospital that has a Breast Cancer Survivors support group. She also said "Now I can be whatever cup size I want!"
I hate only being able to get on here every once in a while. Any way heres and update on the chick hatching and the home made incubator. I put 2 eggs in every day for a while and only 1 hatches every day both eggs pip and work all the way around the shell then 1 chick comes out and the other does not seem to have the strength and dies. I don't get it seems like both are doing fine then only 1 makes it out sometimes the second one will get the whole top of the shell off and then nothing. I raised the humidity level some now but has not seemed to help. I was dry incubating before. None the less I have hatched 23 so far.
I hate only being able to get on here every once in a while. Any way heres and update on the chick hatching and the home made incubator. I put 2 eggs in every day for a while and only 1 hatches every day both eggs pip and work all the way around the shell then 1 chick comes out and the other does not seem to have the strength and dies. I don't get it seems like both are doing fine then only 1 makes it out sometimes the second one will get the whole top of the shell off and then nothing. I raised the humidity level some now but has not seemed to help. I was dry incubating before. None the less I have hatched 23 so far.

this is the wine cooler incubator right? That just sounds like a great incubator with a nice large viewing window. I wonder if the first chick is creating a jump in the humidity when it hatches that is causing the 2nd chick to get less air before getting out of its shell.
this is the wine cooler incubator right? That just sounds like a great incubator with a nice large viewing window. I wonder if the first chick is creating a jump in the humidity when it hatches that is causing the 2nd chick to get less air before getting out of its shell.
Good point. I checked your (PigeonGuys) profile first, so do you mind posting pics? What sort of air intake do you have? I'm in mid-rebuild on a mini-fridge... so I'd love to know. Right now we have a 1.25" hole on the side where wiring and the water line (should we need to add water) will go. I've been debating adding a couple more small wholes with some sort of removable plug in the bottom for more air. If you've got a thread going for this, just point me there? I'm super interested :)
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I don't support routine mammography, but that is freakin' hysterical!!
well, considering 12 people in my family in the last 3 generations have/had breast cancer, including my mother (double mastectomy) her sister (lumpectomy but it was too aggressive), mom's grandmothers on both sides (and aunts on both sides), and the list goes on...

so yeah... i'm all for routine mammograms. I get mine annually.
I am sorry for posting a controversial topic. My intent was for jocular purposes. I am removing my original post and ask that it not be argued about please.
Again I apologize to anyone who has been upset.
I thought the pic was totally hilarious... hubby calls em granny-grams, and the 'cookies' look about like they feel. LOL but I found no offense in the cookies. but I just disagree strongly with anyone who says mammograms are unnecessary.
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