The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

I've had a migraine all day, so the storm will be pretty bad and arriving here soon!
I hope you feel better soon. I know what it's like to suffer with migraine! =)
Thought I'd share some pics I like
Has anyone seen the Blue Angels fly? We've watched some of their demonstrations, it's really cool! When one of my kids was 3 mos old, he slept right through the entire performance. lol I don't know how they do it!!!
This one is "Fat Albert".

I don't remember how close they said they were in this formation, but way closer than I'd want to be in a jet going that fast!!!

This is a couple of baby birds we found in a nest in some piece of equipment the spring after we moved here.

Has anyone ever watched a cicada molting? It was cool to watch!
This was before we had chickens; come to think of it, we haven't seen as many cicada skins since we started keeping chickens, but that was only last March, so....
Do chickens eat cicada?
Why do you guys sift your ashes? I'm just putting mine straight from the wood-burning stove out in the wreath storage container (thanks, LM!!). Most of it is fine dust. There are a few big chunks, but I wouldn't think that would bother the birds.
I tend to have nail or staples in them from the starter wood I use so sifting is needed. I dump the bigger pieces I sift out into the veggie garden where the girls can munch on them if they want.

And...I have to thank @armorfirelady for giving me the wreath idea! So she's the original wreath queen.
I told Jason that if he didn't co-operate a bit more, I'd borrow My neighbor's Bull Electrojac and do things the new-fangled way.
He was not intimidated nor impressed.
Can not say I blame him

Beware of ash from treated lumber....DON'T BURN TREATED LUMBER ON YOUR PROPERTY!
Just ignore my post above then. I am aware of what you have posted before but when I run out of regular kindling I use pallet wood. It's free so I can not beat the price. Thankfully it has not made my girls ill. Maybe they a tolerance to it since they have been exposed to it?
Sorry you had to do this, I can't imagine that it's a pleasant task. As I may need to do this one day, would you mind telling me how you cull chicks? Usually if Erick is not home and something is suffering I use a firearm. I suppose that would work for a chick but it seems inappropriate somehow. You can PM me if you prefer!
I used the shears I use to clip my goats' hooves. It was instant. Those things are sharp. Head off is the best way IMO for chicks.
And...I have to thank @armorfirelady for giving me the wreath idea! So she's the original wreath queen.
Oh, OK! I thought it was you.

I told Jason that if he didn't co-operate a bit more, I'd borrow My neighbor's Bull Electrojac and do things the new-fangled way.

He was not intimidated nor impressed.
Oooh, that's a good idea! I can kinda see his side on this one, though. Kinda.

RE: Sifting ashes. The only reason I can think of to do it is if you're concerned about things like staples, metal fragments, or possibly fiberglass strands from packing tape that might get burned with a cardboard box. If you're diligent about keeping all foreign matter out of your fire, it should be ok. Of course, if you want to save those bits of charcoal for a water purification system, or for your garden, that's an other matter! I'm guessing that the chickens would find those little bits of charcoal to be pretty tasty.
Aha! Yes, I don't have to worry about that. We just burn wood that we've chopped & split ourselves.

Just ignore my post above then. I am aware of what you have posted before but when I run out of regular kindling I use pallet wood. It's free so I can not beat the price. Thankfully it has not made my girls ill. Maybe they a tolerance to it since they have been exposed to it?
Thanks for the wreath holder idea! My chickens love it!

As for the treated wood, if there's any way to avoid it, that's best. Not just for the chickens, but for the air and everything! I know we do what we have to do, though.
I think you're right on that being the best way. (I'd have to look the other way though.)

Ah...the responsibilities of animal husbandry.

I do. Susan extends the neck out, I put the shears on both sides and snip quickly and look away. She drops it in the ziplock bag.

It is so much harder for me to kill chicks.. I don't know why.. Makes me really sad. It makes me sad to do adults, but not like chicks. I feel like they are missing out on a life you know? Where adults here have had a good one.
Thank you Justine. Sounds like a very fast method.
Have you ever tried leaving in some of the big charcoal chunks? I've watched mine take bites of the big chunks on many occasions. I figure there must be something about charcoal that's good for their digestive systems.

When I was a kid we raised pigs and every year my dad would haul a burnt log out of the burn pile and put it in their run. Every pig we ever raised ate charcoal off those logs. I'll have to ask the reasoning behind this sometime. Unfortunately I can't remember and we aren't exactly talking right now. Wonder if grandma knows...
For people, Charcoal helps to take toxins out of the body when you are sick-- even with the common cold.... I am sure it has the same benefits for animals....

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