The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Haha thanks for the poop Leahs mom!here are some pictures of the little darlings...
Hello!!!! I am thinking about adding a few chicks this year and would be brooding them in the house or garage until they can go out....Chicks have to have starter for so long and and the big girls need their layer ration... at what age is is appropriate to mix the two flocks and how do I ensure that each flock is getting what is necessary for them as far as their food? I can build separate accommodations for them but of course they will be free ranging all together so the sooner they could just be together the better. What are your guys thoughts on here??? How do you handle it???

Hello!!!! I am thinking about adding a few chicks this year and would be brooding them in the house or garage until they can go out....Chicks have to have starter for so long and and the big girls need their layer ration... at what age is is appropriate to mix the two flocks and how do I ensure that each flock is getting what is necessary for them as far as their food? I can build separate accommodations for them but of course they will be free ranging all together so the sooner they could just be together the better. What are your guys thoughts on here??? How do you handle it???

once you put them together, switch your layer feed out to an all flock feed (has many different names, sometimes called "duck/goose/chicken", sometimes called "grower") that doesn't have calcium, and make sure you have plenty of oystershell, or eggshells on the side for the laying hens.

re: age to mix? for me it is not until the chicks are big enough to hold their own. Goes easiest if you can make some kind of side by side arrangement where they see each other but chicks are protected, until you decide to let them integrate . Leah's mom has posted about a kind of barrier that she has used (a fence with vertical bars) that the chicks/pullets can run through to get away from the big girls, and the big girls can't get in there. That gives them a place to have food and water and safety.

I've usually used a chicken wire barrier, and have just lifted it up a few inches off the ground so again, the littles can get in there and relax, and the big girls can't follow them.

I don't integrate until both the chicks and the older hens are feeding side by side with the chicken wire fence, and the chicks are reaching through for food and the hens aren't bothering them. THe chicks are really pullets by then, fully feathered, I'm guessing a few months to 4 months old.

have fun!
I am brooding on 1/4 in hard wire this time and trying it. Two weeks on hard wire and than on shavings/sand mix. I still need to dig up a dirt plug..we have had a few days of good weather and I can see grass in some spots by my paths. Joe made this for me.

Delisha, this is like waving a beer at someone who is trying to quit drinking! I'ld better not go anywhere near a feed store right now, and its a good thing I live at least far enough away from you that I'm not jumping in the car and coming over begging for some of your chicks!
I agree. I always feed everyone in the flock the same feed and supplement with extra protein for the littles and calcium on the side. The adults will take whatever calcium they need.

I like the idea of the simple chicken wire that they can go under to get away which would work well when they're really little. My fence stuff that I got from Lowes helps when they're a bit larger as they can still go through it till they're quite old.

Here's a photo of the stuff I got a Lowes:

My BCM roo hasn't been himself lately. I open the door and feed them before daylight and shut the door after dark, so I've missed a couple things. I saw that his spurs have grown to 2 in long and they are quite thick. I was surprised. But I also noticed that he has an injury, if you will. I was expecting Bumble foot but it's on the inside where I thought could have been another toe. It's not. I slathered it with antibacterial ointment. Tonight, I'll do the same and by tomorrow night I'll reassess. Does anyone have any other ideas?

For the first time I clipped a chicken's spur. I used the dog nail clippers and it was very easy. One nail was clear so I clipped to the quick, the black, I just guessed. Not much was taken off either but I'm hoping when the snow goes, he'll do some scratching outside.
sally, it could be just the pics but his foot looks a little like scaly leg mite to me. the scales don't seem to be lifted in the pic on his ankle or foot, but on the toes might want to do the slathering with oil/petroleum oil/camphorphenique/bag balm.....and then repeat.

I have no idea about the hole. I am not sure it that could be bumblefoot or an injury.

keep us posted!

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