The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

Hello all!

I just noticed today that one of my Australorps has a sore under her eye that looks swollen. I am thinking it is from one of the other hens pecking her since she is the bottom of the pecking order. I have never seen any of them be too mean to her, but it looks like this could have possibly been a sore that became infected. Does anyone else know if that is what this could be? If so, what is the best way to treat it??
I am very new to chickens so I really hope somebody can help me with this!

It also could be fowl pox. More time will tell. I would do nothing for both problems, as long as the hen has a good immunity system she should fight off both an infection and pox. Chickens are really good at healing themselves.
I don't like using the heat lamp but I may need to if all 22 hatch, I don't think they will all fit under the heating pad. It's the extra large one. I may do both until I see how they are reacting.

I used 2 12 x 24 heating pads side by side laid out flat rather than curved. I had 27 BA chicks in the brooder and they ALL used only one of the heating pad! By the end of the first week at 45 degrees in the unheated house (in Feb.), they pretty much just stood (and pooped on) the top of them! Glad I covered the HPs with plastic
. You should be fine with 22 chicks under a single one that size. I got the Jumbo Sunbeam HPs from Amazon for under $18.00 each and they have 3 heat settings and NO auto shut-off. Worked perfectly
I haven't been on this forum bc for some reason I have been posting on another state? I am looking for prices on year old rir, silky,bantam and ducks. I regrettably have to sell and they are pets. I have spent a lot on them and attached but life has been not so good so need to sell but not liking it at all.
I haven't been on this forum bc for some reason I have been posting on another state? I am looking for prices on year old rir, silky,bantam and ducks. I regrettably have to sell and they are pets. I have spent a lot on them and attached but life has been not so good so need to sell but not liking it at all.

You might want to check over the B/S/T- Chickens 8 Weeks & Older thread. You may have to do a good bit of reading but you should be able to get an idea. You might also check your local Craigslist ads to see what others in your area are selling their chickens for. Best of luck & God bless!
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I don't like using the heat lamp but I may need to if all 22 hatch, I don't think they will all fit under the heating pad. It's the extra large one. I may do both until I see how they are reacting.
I brooded 22 under a 12 x 24 outdoors last April. They did fine, and by the time they were 3 weeks old, they refused to use it at night, bedding down in the far corner instead. I gave up on stuffing them under the pad when I put my hand in the middle of the chick carpet and felt how warm it was!

I'm wondering how many people, who follow this thread, think heat lamps are bad. I often brood too many to fit under a heat plate. I do read some saying how terrible heat lamps are, but in my experience if used correctly they are just fine. I haven't noticed any behavioral problems from them as I read some people say, I find brooder size, too much heat, and not moving them out quickly to be more troubles. I've used heat lamps for over 20 years. Just curious what others think and do.
I had always used a heat lamp until last season. After trying the heating pad, I'll never go back to a lamp! That being said, there is no right or wrong here. There's a time and place for everything. Heat lamps do allow you to keep a closer eye on your chicks, but it's super easy to just lift one end of the pad for a visual inspection. Heat lamps allow for brooding larger groups of chicks.

With the pad, I've noticed that the chicks feather faster. They are more self assured or confident. They put themselves to bed at night, instead of being up putzing around and stumbling over one an other all night. The little sing-song trill they make when under the pad... I've never heard that under a heat lamp! I believe that there is less likelihood of behavior issues with the heat pad b/c they tuck themselves away in a dark little corner for nappy time. Not left out fully exposed when they try to sleep. If the power goes out with a lamp, the brooder temp (especially if they are outdoors) quickly drops to dangerous levels. With a pad, they have built up residual heat in the pad, the floor under the pad, and all of those warm little bodies.

I had 4 sides open still squished chicks again only the bantams , and I only use a 75 watt bulb about 1 ft above the chicks so only the spot I want gets warm not the whole tote. About 95 directly under lamp and 75 and other end of tote. It is all about what works for you.
When you experienced the bantam squish, did you have the pad low enough that it touched their backs? Just curious why you had that experience. Did you post about that on Blooie's thread?

If I was brooding a big group of chicks, I think I'd look at building an Ohio brooder. Seems to make the most sense and be most conserving of electricity $$$ for a large group, while keeping the heat in one location and allowing more cool space.
I've only looked briefly at the Ohio brooder so I may have totally missed something....

-From what I see the light bulbs are exposed to the chicks with no "guard". I couldn't do that for risk of them being burned. Even with a guard, the bulb in such close proximity to the chicks..even if in some kind of a guard.. would be extremely hot. I couldn't risk that.

-24 hour light again.

Am I missing something?
I didn't post it on MHP thread. I just discovered it is a trait of my brahmas. They like to pile. Even under the heat lamp they are in piles, there is a ring of little chick piles on the edge of the lamp. Yes the MHP, it touched their backs I used an infertile egg to measure it. It was about 1" off the shavings. I still love it for brooding my layers outside in the chicken coop just doesn't work for my brahmas.

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