The new coup!

I have a mixture of hen. I love my 5 silkies but their more ornamental than anything since they lay very small eggs and go broody a lot. I do have a doctor customer who loves the little eggs. Then I have 2 barnvelders. 2 Glw's. 1 Cochin 1 leghorn and 2 Easter eggers. Our coop is 16x8 with a run just as long.
This is ours
Thats a really nice coup you have there. I want to ensure my girls will get along with the breeds I get, not sure what that is...Do most all checks get along with each other?

Our Coup is 8 x 4 and a extra long run, I only have 4 boxes for laying eggs and two perches inside and out side I have two perches...Its been raining in California so they are mostly near the front of their coup staying dry.
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It takes time for them to get used to each other. Just make sure you do the see but not touch method. Keep the new ones separate from the older ones but let them see each other as well for a couple weeks then intergrate them while you supervise to make sure the don't kill each other but bickering will happen because they will have to establish a new pecking order. I did this with mine and everything eventually worked out. I do keep my bantams separate from my large foul because of the size difference. except for my leghorn. She chose to stay with the silkies lol
Good advise. Thank you. I think I will get the same size birds maybe that will help things...not sure what to get but I love the silkies and Bantans.
What kind do u have now. I ordered mine from ideal and they had a great variety but I just went with what I thought was pretty lol and good layers. I live where it gets very cold and a lot of snow so I also went with cold hearty birds

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