The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Yesterday I went Christmas shopping for a few things for DH and I'm already second guessing what I picked up. Happens every year...I try to get done with shopping early but that just gives me more time to debate taking things back in exchange for something else. I hate shopping.
We don't exchange gifts for anything, makes holidays so much more fun.

Does that go for the day after Christmas too?

The pressure of getting the "right" thing is self-imposed I know, but I don't want to disappoint.
Does that go for the day after Christmas too?

The pressure of getting the "right" thing is self-imposed I know, but I don't want to disappoint.
Yep, that goes for birthdays too.

I know what you mean, buying the "perfect" gift is a stressful thing, so we just decided to nix the gift thing and pick out our own
One of the best Christmas gifts DH & I gave each other was on our 1st one. We were broke and the store was taking all our time so we closed the store Christmas day and went fishing. That was a good gift, time and fun together.
I'm always up for fishing

I've tried it a few times with DH but never caught anything. Guess the fish know a newbie when they see one.

That Christmas I was just talking about was so fun! DH only caught a Puffer that day (and threw it back of course) but we both thought it was a wonderful way to spend the day.
Yesterday I went Christmas shopping for a few things for DH and I'm already second guessing what I picked up. Happens every year...I try to get done with shopping early but that just gives me more time to debate taking things back in exchange for something else. I hate shopping.

Took that one thing back to the store today and picked up something else for DH. Phew, that's all better now!
We bought each other paint.

But really, it is looking nice, so it was a magi sort of gift.

I am glad you got what you think you wanted to get him.
Does he ever return it and get the first thing bought, but returned?
My Grandfather would hint hint hint until Grandma got it, bought it, and wrapped it ...and then he could not stand to wait and he'd go buy himself what he wanted two days before Christmas..
Gramma wore a constant expression of

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