The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I used those amounts of sugar. I buy the light brown sugar. I got new measuring cups and I swear they hold more flour. I’m going to have to weigh them out to see.
The same thing happened to me with measuring cups!

I bought one that had the odd sizes-- 1.5, 1.75 and 2cups. They are all off for volume.
Weighing works much better.
Yes I was!

I didn't want to mention it yesterday seeing how everyone else is snowed in, but our central a/c went out in the house and it's a sweaty 80+ degrees in here. 99.9% of the windows don't have screens so can't open them to get any relief. The repair company has a part on order to fix the central air. Makes it hard to sleep when it's so hot.
It is weird weather here! Normally we would be getting into the 80s on some days.

The Almond trees are blooming for goodness sake!

I am worried that my Nectarine tree will not set fruit and if it does, have blossom rot!

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