The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

They are so tiny & raw looking, I think I would be afraid to touch them. It's hard to believe they start out like that and then turn into such beautiful birds.

Yeah, their bodies are quite squishy and floppy so it's hard to get a grip on them. Initially the sqishiness was a bit gross but I'm used to it now. It's amazing what your maternal instinct makes you love!
That is certainly true. The last litter of pups I whelped - I was tearing open sacs, cutting cords etc. and was hungry. My mom brought up a sandwich. I noticed I had blood on my hands but I didn't care. One way to get over being squeamish- the puppies were more important to me. It's really amazing what you can do when you must do it.
That is certainly true. It's really amazing what you can do when you must do it.

Fact not fiction! The Princess was a city girl - never gutted a chicken or skinned a rabbit, and squeamish to boot. I went off to judge a field trial leaving her home with a b*tch that had just had a caesarian section. When the Princess went to feed that night she found that the incision had opened and Scarlet was calmly sitting there with her intestines piled in front of her. Princess got a towel, wrapped it around the dog and raced off to our veterinarian. When I got home Scarlet and her pups were in a box on our kitchen floor, and all survived. I asked, "How could you do that?" Her reply, "I had to." :love
Fact not fiction! The Princess was a city girl - never gutted a chicken or skinned a rabbit, and squeamish to boot. I went off to judge a field trial leaving her home with a b*tch that had just had a caesarian section. When the Princess went to feed that night she found that the incision had opened and Scarlet was calmly sitting there with her intestines piled in front of her. Princess got a towel, wrapped it around the dog and raced off to our veterinarian. When I got home Scarlet and her pups were in a box on our kitchen floor, and all survived. I asked, "How could you do that?" Her reply, "I had to." :love
DMC, the bride's dress is gorgeous! Love that they served tacos - yum! I feel so sorry for feral cats even if they can become such a pest. It's not their fault someone was irresponsible and didn't look after them (or their parents/grandparents etc etc). They all look like gorgeous cats.

Debby, I hope you made the most of your evening off and put your feet up! Your golf course looks very beautiful.

Sunflour - enjoy your days off!

It's cold here and still rainy. I've got to be so careful outside as it's so boggy and slippery. My well worn tracks through the grass are extra muddy now! I'm so glad I have this cheap incubator for my Java chicks. There's no way I could keep them warm enough under a heat lamp.
Thanks Jae!
Hi everyone!

DMC, tacos for a wedding sound like fun. I remember the 1st wedding I went to where they served BBQ...funny to see the bride in all her white finery chowing down on ribs.

J, be careful sloshing through all the mud. Is this much rain normal for where you are? Seems like you've had a lot.

Sunflour, enjoy those 3 days off! Doing nothing sounds like a great idea :D How are you liking the Wellies? I'm enjoying my 2 quite a bit (while the Legbars are total goofs).

Yesterday the company head guy had a department meeting at our restaurant. The 17 yr-old and I did all the cooking...whew, talk about jitters. But it all went well and people were happy with their lunch.

Need to get going, time to start a new day. Hope you all have a great one!
We had sloppy joe's and I managed not to wear it :D

DMC, nice job on the dresser, you did a good job with it.

Sunflour, glad you're enjoying your Wellies. Moe, our accidental Wellie rooster, is turning into a very handsome guy. It's interesting having a male for the 1st time and seeing how he is already getting protective of the girls. One of them was having a hard time learning how to use the ramp to get into the coop and he patiently showed her how to get up it. He was feeding Sweetie (his fave) yesterday. At night, he'll wait until all the girls are in the coop and then go up, stand in the door for a while checking things out before going in himself. So far, he's very calm and well-behaved.

Time to fix another cup of coffee, be back later!
Thanks Debby! I still think I have a rooster in my new group. I heard crowing the other day and it sounded teenagerish...I do have a hen that crows but it didn't sound like her.
Fact not fiction! The Princess was a city girl - never gutted a chicken or skinned a rabbit, and squeamish to boot. I went off to judge a field trial leaving her home with a b*tch that had just had a caesarian section. When the Princess went to feed that night she found that the incision had opened and Scarlet was calmly sitting there with her intestines piled in front of her. Princess got a towel, wrapped it around the dog and raced off to our veterinarian. When I got home Scarlet and her pups were in a box on our kitchen floor, and all survived. I asked, "How could you do that?" Her reply, "I had to." :love

Wow, a great story. Your Princess is quite special :bow.

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