The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Kdogg, there are depression threads on BYC, you may want to check them out. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 34. It took that long to get brave enough to visit a psychiatrist. Obviously I had been depressed since I was a young girl but, didn't know it .My family just said I was always sulking. My father called me the nut in the family.

Fast forward I was afraid if I talked to a Dr. he would have me committed. I cried through my first visit but felt lots better when he didn't blink an eye at my story. I was so relieved . But he was leaving on a 10 days vacation and I pretty much fell apart at the thought of going without him for so long a time.

I survived and actually outlived 2 doctors.After my doctor passed, I saw his partner, who passed on some years later. Both died of cancer - different types.When I started I had major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, severe social phobias, as well as panic attacks, claustrophobia and agoraphobia.

It took quite some time to find a medication that actually helped me. I have been on it for a years. At 70 now, most of my major issues are long behind me, and I've learned coping skills for those that pop up . If you could get into a therapy group with people of your age , I truly think it would highly benefit you. In groups you learn self talk and social skills and gain alot of confidence.
Pretty good, better now. Thanks.

Awesome! That means it's almost done, right?

It's okay! Thanks for the info. Interesting that they change color so much! Do you think it depends on breed at all? Which btw, I know it might be kind of hard to see in the pictures but if you can see the tags, do you know what the differences between those breeds are? If any?

Thanks a lot! :lau

I think I maybe also tend to take some things more personally sometimes because I've had a lot of people be mean before or say I was annoying, etc. I mean, I am, especially a few years ago, but still.

Thanks Bruce!

I think with me it might be both. Like I do tend to have a lazy streak but I think I do also have a bit of a problem.

And yeah, I don't know, it's weird. I have no problem talking to complete strangers or internet friends about my problems but yet with a therapist I don't want to and am "scared" to..... dumbest thing ever. I know it would (or might) help, especially with the amount of stress I have daily, but I think I'm honestly just most afraid of having to actually deal with anything. Like right now I kind of just hide everything and don't talk about it or feel it and I guess I'm scared that by actually having to talk about things that it will just make me more upset than I already am and make it worse.

But I do need to do something even if not about the depression because my anxiety and OCD is also crazy lately. And tbh I feel like I'm going crazy. Yet another thing I need to talk to the professor about or get the therapists number for.

Those tanks contain single tailed goldfish, shubunkin is the calico variety, it's a fancy name for them, than you have your common goldfish, I find the more white on them the more likely they are to lose the red overtime, and than the last is rosey red minnows which aren't a goldfish but a completely different species that is also considered a feeder fish. They stay smaller and only live up to 3 years. They can live in an unheated tank and can tolerate temperatures down to 50 degrees.
Kdogg, there are depression threads on BYC, you may want to check them out. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 34. It took that long to get brave enough to visit a psychiatrist. Obviously I had been depressed since I was a young girl but, didn't know it .My family just said I was always sulking. My father called me the nut in the family.

Fast forward I was afraid if I talked to a Dr. he would have me committed. I cried through my first visit but felt lots better when he didn't blink an eye at my story. I was so relieved . But he was leaving on a 10 days vacation and I pretty much fell apart at the thought of going without him for so long a time.

I survived and actually outlived 2 doctors.After my doctor passed, I saw his partner, who passed on some years later. Both died of cancer - different types.When I started I had major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, severe social phobias, as well as panic attacks, claustrophobia and agoraphobia.

It took quite some time to find a medication that actually helped me. I have been on it for a years. At 70 now, most of my major issues are long behind me, and I've learned coping skills for those that pop up . If you could get into a therapy group with people of your age , I truly think it would highly benefit you. In groups you learn self talk and social skills and gain alot of confidence.

Kdogg :hugs Wish I had gotten into therapy much earlier, it would have saved me from many years of pain ,suffering and other abuse.

Thanks a lot DD! I'm really sorry for all you went through but I'm glad you are doing better now!

It seems like I should find one then!

And honestly maybe it's crazy but I used to be on Tumblr a lot when I was younger and seeing all the depression stuff often just made me depressed, I had to unfollow a lot of it and follow happier stuff. Though of course now I haven't been on the site in a few years.

But I probably should have started therapy years ago when I had much worse problems, like when I was still cutting. I haven't done that in 3 years now though. And I keep either chickening out or saying I'm better. Like at one point when I made it a year and 2 months before I relapsed again and did it a few more times before finally saying I'm sick of it. But like then I thought I'm clean now, I don't need help anymore. Yeah, clearly that wasn't true hah

Anyway, now I mostly just have really bad anxiety meeting and talking to new people but also I'm kind of scared of dark/constantly check. I think some of that is OCD too

Those tanks contain single tailed goldfish, shubunkin is the calico variety, it's a fancy name for them, than you have your common goldfish, I find the more white on them the more likely they are to lose the red overtime, and than the last is rosey red minnows which aren't a goldfish but a completely different species that is also considered a feeder fish. They stay smaller and only live up to 3 years. They can live in an unheated tank and can tolerate temperatures down to 50 degrees.

Thanks for all the details and info! Kind of weird they come up with a whole new name for the same fish lol they are pretty though.
Hey everyone .. posting at the end of what was a huge day!

I started out edging and mowing. Then I started in on one of the remaining garden beds I hadn't tackled yet. When that was done, moved on to another. Got so much done! I ache and I am tired and I am looking forward to Bourbon O’clock in about 60 minutes :p I have no idea how much water I drank but I know it was a lot cos it was HOT out there!

Anyways, just some photos from today to share. Just a smidgen of what I accomplished.

Reminder .. the before, after the guy had come in with the mini excavator and denutted the palms:

2 November 2017 After.jpg

Today after mowing my new grass for the first time. Still some bare patches but the grass is young yet:

2 December 2017.jpg

In case you forgot, what the above looked like at the very beginning:

2 November 2017 Before.jpg

Thought it was about time I shared one of the run .. pretty good size for 5 bantams and a nice shady spot. Still not completely finished though:

2 December 2017 A.jpg

The garden bed before. I saved and potted the ferns for putting around the ponds when they are finished:

Before 2 December 2017 A.jpg


After 2 December 2017 A.jpg


Before 2 December 2017.jpg

After. Sadly I ran out of mulch and need to put down some more. I saved the purple flower and popped it in a pot. The plan here is to add some potted plants. I prefer potted because it conserves water and it is also easier to manage the weeds around pots:

After 2 December 2017.jpg

For the first time in months I am starting to feel like I am winning and I am pleased with the results. I was chatting to my neighbour and she mentioned that a few people had commented on how nice the garden was starting to look and also that considering I am doing most of it my myself, an achievement to be proud of which was not only nice of her to say, but made me ache just that little bit less ;)
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You should be proud @Teila - your garden is looking amazing! Is it good soil to work with? We have hard packed clay where we currently are. Boggy in winter, hard as rock in summer.

We have finally started putting up our Christmas tree. Better late than never. As we were getting the boxes of decorations down I thought "I vividly remember packing these all away"!
Good morning everyone, whew, lots to read & catch up on!

Have I ever come right out and said how much I like all of you? I think you're an awesome group of people and I'm so glad all of you are here! :hugs:hugs:hugs

Now, off to grab another cup of coffee and catch up with the rest of the BYC world (the 'real' world stuff is too awful to want to keep up with).
Hey everyone .. posting at the end of what was a huge day!

I started out edging and mowing. Then I started in on one of the remaining garden beds I hadn't tackled yet. When that was done, moved on to another. Got so much done! I ache and I am tired and I am looking forward to Bourbon O’clock in about 60 minutes :p I have no idea how much water I drank but I know it was a lot cos it was HOT out there!

Anyways, just some photos from today to share. Just a smidgen of what I accomplished.

Reminder .. the before, after the guy had come in with the mini excavator and denutted the palms:

View attachment 1200503

Today after mowing my new grass for the first time. Still some bare patches but the grass is young yet:

View attachment 1200504

In case you forgot, what the above looked like at the very beginning:

View attachment 1200513

Thought it was about time I shared one of the run .. pretty good size for 5 bantams and a nice shady spot. Still not completely finished though:

View attachment 1200505

The garden bed before. I saved and potted the ferns for putting around the ponds when they are finished:

View attachment 1200506


View attachment 1200507


View attachment 1200508

After. Sadly I ran out of mulch and need to put down some more. I saved the purple flower and popped it in a pot. The plan here is to add some potted plants. I prefer potted because it conserves water and it is also easier to manage the weeds around pots:

View attachment 1200512

For the first time in months I am starting to feel like I am winning and I am pleased with the results. I was chatting to my neighbour and she mentioned that a few people had commented on how nice the garden was starting to look and also that considering I am doing most of it my myself, an achievement to be proud of which was not only nice of her to say, but made me ache just that little bit less ;)
Looks great! You should be proud of yourself for all you’ve accomplished. It’s even better when others notice your hard work. :hugs

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