The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Ok, gonna study up on goats.
Goats are easy, but they can be big trouble. You must have a desire to cater to royalty when you are owned by goats.
I'll have to look and see if I have any pictures of Cecil the Wonder Goat...they'd be in the old boxes because that was back in the "get the film developed" days. Can you remember life without instant pictures? Remember paying for garbage because even if they didn't turn out you had to pay for them? Remember squinting at negatives and deciding which ones to make copies of for friends and family? And remember grabbing the camera when that perfect shot happened, and realizing you were either out of film or out of flashbulbs/cubes....and most usually out of both?

Edited to add: We called him Cecil the Wonder Goat because we were always wondering what he was going to pull next!
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