The NFC B-Day Chat Thread


I’ll take your 53*

47* now with hard freeze tonight.


KD it's all about situational awareness.
soo many people have none.. they are what we call white zone people.

Similar stuff happens here too. One thing is people stopping at the busy middle of a sidewalk to use their phones!

This campus has 15 to 20 thousand people on it on most days...Lots of crowded sidewalks...Move out of the way!
More white zone people.

My turn today to rant....

I got a new boss back in mid February.

I think I'm going to be really sick of eggs by the end of April.

Ok... rant over

Michelle have an honest chat with him and keep your options open,.

That's crazy! :hugs And unfair. I don't blame you for being upset.

:lau Thanks for the giggle too.

I hate rats... why are they so much smarter than me????

I know! She could almost commute :D

And I'm really not too horrible to work with, I swear (no matter what rumors you might hear from teenage former employees).

Can I? it's not a bad commute after living in DC.

Non existent. It's very rural . Unless I commuted 45 mins to the nearest town.

I drive an hour each way every day for work at $12/hr compared to $70/hr for working from home. ARG:he

Not only possible, very likely I think. (Now if we'd hired them to play with their cell phones all day, then it would be expecting too much for them to actually work.)

I committed the unforgivable sin... I took a kids cell phone away and then refused to let him answer the phone. He quit the next day.... save me the trouble of firing him.
What did you post? People can be ridiculous sometimes:mad:. :hugsfrom me too!

The same thing I posted here about the dog lunging at the car!


KD, just think about these cuties!View attachment 1305655
They are huge! Refuse to sit still too!

Thanks! They are adorable!

And I hope your results are negative too btw!

They are big babies! And adorable! :love

Agreed lol

47* now with hard freeze tonight.

The same thing I posted here about the dog lunging at the car!

Seriously!? People should have control of their dogs. It's that simple! I've seen someone walking their Chihuahua - the dog was going absolutely mental, lunging and barking madly at the traffic (ive never seen such a frenzied dog) while the owner was glued to their phone, completely ignoring the carry on. That lead just had to slip out of his hand and that dog would've been squished.

I use a front control harness on our dog if there's a chance she's going to get over excited while we are out (there are a lot of roaming dogs out here and she assumes they might want to play) but she's generally pretty good because I have put effort into training her. No dog is perfect but training is part of the responsibility of having a dog.

Anyway, I feel your frustration!
I used to walk alot and no sidewalks most of the way, so that put me on the shoulder of the road with cars coming alongside me. More than once someone stopped at the light with a Chihuahua in the front seat, snarling and growling too close to me. Usually sitting on a woman's lap and she just smiled. Stupid battle ax!!
Not even gonna try to catch up.....tired tonight.

So doc turned out to be a gorgeous, blonde 15 year old girl, I swear!!! Smart, superb listener, asked great questions and....are you ready for this one?....had actually read my medical information and conferred with my primary long before my appointment day! Whoa...I ain’t used to that - after the first 5 minutes in there Ken and I both felt like she’d been treating me for years instead of just meeting me for the first time today!! She even asked about Kendra and what all I do for her, in order to better understand any stress or unusual physical movements I may have to make caring for her. Primary care doc has that stuff noted in my chart as a reminder to him that I can’t take certain meds that might cause me to lose focus when she’s here. He has also treated a few strained backs and shoulders from me from lifting her. So that gave me a ton of confidence in her! I couldn’t believe it! Please, Lord, let her stay at St. Vincent’s forever ‘n ever!! I wish all doctors understood how important those things are to a nervous patient.

Anyway, I do need the endoscopy and probably will need a throat dilation done too. She wanted to do it next week, but when I told her I wanted more time off the blood thinners before we did anything, she said - and I quote - “That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Would you like me to call your cardiologist and see how long he’d be comfortable with you not taking them?” He17 she did. Right there. In her office. Yep, not kidding! They talked about using Lovanox as a bridge when I stop taking the other blood thinners because if I had a bleeding issue, Lovonox is reversible. I got to make the choice! Me! So we are going to do the endoscopy on April 2 to give me max time off the thinners but well within what all of us think is my “safe zone”.

Now I’m not even nervous! Cool, huh??
Seriously!? People should have control of their dogs. It's that simple! I've seen someone walking their Chihuahua - the dog was going absolutely mental, lunging and barking madly at the traffic (ive never seen such a frenzied dog) while the owner was glued to their phone, completely ignoring the carry on. That lead just had to slip out of his hand and that dog would've been squished.

I use a front control harness on our dog if there's a chance she's going to get over excited while we are out (there are a lot of roaming dogs out here and she assumes they might want to play) but she's generally pretty good because I have put effort into training her. No dog is perfect but training is part of the responsibility of having a dog.

Anyway, I feel your frustration!

Exactly!!! That was my fear. Thankfully this owner shortened the leash up and was trying to hold her and didn't appear to be on his phone or have a flexi lead but still. They should work on training

It was this post except instead of the beginning I had why are people so annoying and why does no one train their dogs?

Probably not the best way to start it.

But people were saying I sounded stuck up or entitled, it wasn't actually on our property and nothing happened so what's the big deal, that at least he had the dog under control. Or like saying why am i getting mad for the dog sniffing at the corner not even near my driveway. And oh what if the dog is new to him or he's dog sitting or that everyone has bad days and I'm judging him or on my period or something. And also that because i didnt use my blinker that somehow means I'm a terrible driver and dangerous? Not even remotely relevant to the post. And yeah i should have used it but theres no cars on my road hardly and you have to be off the main road to get to our road anyway.

And also that I'm overreacting, being dramatic, nothing actually happened so why do I care and why so many what ifs, etc. Also mad about the middle aged means hard of hearing bit and tearing up over the do blinkers make noise bit.

We live near a busy road and i didnt want the dog getting hurt.

I get it, I could have worded it better and i suppose sounded pretty rude looking back but no need to be so mean. And I get it, the hearing thing and blinker thing were funny, i think I so too now, don't mind jokes, but to tear me up over a post?

I realize I probably did sound somewhat pretentious and dramatic and i shouldn't have started it with why are people so annoying if i was concerned about the dog but really?

Also people say i could've just honked or rolled my window down and said excuse me and it would have been solved.

Also said what the dog did was normal and I startled him. Yeah, even startled dogs shouldn't charge straight towards a car......

Reactivity isn't even that hard to fix. Usually.

Also yes I should have honked maybe but i don't like honking at people.

Also they were mad cause they interpreted it as dog was sniffing and guy didn't hear me right away and i freaked out? And no issue

I don't get how some guy was blocking my driveway and his dog lunged at ME yet i am the one at fault and a bad/dangerous driver and judgemental/snobby?????

But whatever, i need to stop thinking about it.

But do you think the below post is that bad???

I guess maybe it DOES sound a little rude and i couldve not posted it but it literally got like 200 comments.

And also we've had lots of people walk all the way down our driveway to where our yard starts, ignore the signs (no trespassing and dogs on premises), and sometimes let their dogs poop along our driveway or yard. So maybe i was a little bit harsher because of that but idk.

That's true! I do know some people like that where they are just annoying or childish or do the slightest things to annoy you purposely. Like grow up lol

However, this is about something else.

It also begs the second question:

Why does nobody train their dogs?

I was pulling into my driveway and there was this guy there right in the middle of the entrance to the driveway. He was letting his dog sniff which is slightly annoying since people do come down our driveway a lot but it was at the very beginning, kind of a corner, and not technically our driveay yet so whatever. But I stop, waiting for him to move. He doesn't move. Granted, I didn't have my signal on (are those audible from outside?) And I didn't open my window and say please move but still. My car is a Subaru, not loud but not exactly silent. Usually you hear cars. But okay, he was middle aged so maybe hard of hearing, whatever. But long story short, his dog, a little medium sized orange doodle mix of some kind, sees me and freaks out! Comes charging at my car! Then the guy finally is like oh there's a car there/notices his damn dog and moves out of my way and wraps the leash shorter and stuff. Meanwhile, his dog is barking and trying to get away to come after the car and he's trying to get him to stop and probably slightly embarrassed.

But like.... you should probably teach your dog not to lunge at and come after cars, dude!

I mean, I'm not even some stuck up jerk or something that thinks he's a bad owner, my own dog has been known to react to some dogs (working on that), but lunging at cars is just a safety hazard! He's lucky I was stopped cause that dog was at the end of his leash and almost in the road or maybe even was slightly in the road. If I hadn't been paying attention he could have been injured or killed.

Why does no one train their dogs? And why does no one pay attention to their dogs when walking them? Theoretically it could have been noticed BEFORE the dog got to me.

Oi vey.

Just a little frustration. Haha
I used to walk alot and no sidewalks most of the way, so that put me on the shoulder of the road with cars coming alongside me. More than once someone stopped at the light with a Chihuahua in the front seat, snarling and growling too close to me. Usually sitting on a woman's lap and she just smiled. Stupid battle ax!!

I hate when people let dogs sit in their laps while driving! So dangerous and usually the dog is aggressive
Not even gonna try to catch up.....tired tonight.

So doc turned out to be a gorgeous, blonde 15 year old girl, I swear!!! Smart, superb listener, asked great questions and....are you ready for this one?....had actually read my medical information and conferred with my primary long before my appointment day! Whoa...I ain’t used to that - after the first 5 minutes in there Ken and I both felt like she’d been treating me for years instead of just meeting me for the first time today!! She even asked about Kendra and what all I do for her, in order to better understand any stress or unusual physical movements I may have to make caring for her. Primary care doc has that stuff noted in my chart as a reminder to him that I can’t take certain meds that might cause me to lose focus when she’s here. He has also treated a few strained backs and shoulders from me from lifting her. So that gave me a ton of confidence in her! I couldn’t believe it! Please, Lord, let her stay at St. Vincent’s forever ‘n ever!! I wish all doctors understood how important those things are to a nervous patient.

Anyway, I do need the endoscopy and probably will need a throat dilation done too. She wanted to do it next week, but when I told her I wanted more time off the blood thinners before we did anything, she said - and I quote - “That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Would you like me to call your cardiologist and see how long he’d be comfortable with you not taking them?” He17 she did. Right there. In her office. Yep, not kidding! They talked about using Lovanox as a bridge when I stop taking the other blood thinners because if I had a bleeding issue, Lovonox is reversible. I got to make the choice! Me! So we are going to do the endoscopy on April 2 to give me max time off the thinners but well within what all of us think is my “safe zone”.

Now I’m not even nervous! Cool, huh??

Wow that is awesome!!
Not even gonna try to catch up.....tired tonight.

So doc turned out to be a gorgeous, blonde 15 year old girl, I swear!!! Smart, superb listener, asked great questions and....are you ready for this one?....had actually read my medical information and conferred with my primary long before my appointment day! Whoa...I ain’t used to that - after the first 5 minutes in there Ken and I both felt like she’d been treating me for years instead of just meeting me for the first time today!! She even asked about Kendra and what all I do for her, in order to better understand any stress or unusual physical movements I may have to make caring for her. Primary care doc has that stuff noted in my chart as a reminder to him that I can’t take certain meds that might cause me to lose focus when she’s here. He has also treated a few strained backs and shoulders from me from lifting her. So that gave me a ton of confidence in her! I couldn’t believe it! Please, Lord, let her stay at St. Vincent’s forever ‘n ever!! I wish all doctors understood how important those things are to a nervous patient.

Anyway, I do need the endoscopy and probably will need a throat dilation done too. She wanted to do it next week, but when I told her I wanted more time off the blood thinners before we did anything, she said - and I quote - “That seems perfectly reasonable to me. Would you like me to call your cardiologist and see how long he’d be comfortable with you not taking them?” He17 she did. Right there. In her office. Yep, not kidding! They talked about using Lovanox as a bridge when I stop taking the other blood thinners because if I had a bleeding issue, Lovonox is reversible. I got to make the choice! Me! So we are going to do the endoscopy on April 2 to give me max time off the thinners but well within what all of us think is my “safe zone”.

Now I’m not even nervous! Cool, huh??

Wow Blooie :eek: That is a doctor you wanna keep … being only 15, she should be around for a while! ;) :lol:

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