The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Did i mention the third litter of bunnies!?
We have baby quail, baby bunnies and now keets! More keets due next week! Need to build another brooder. Not hatching chickens due to Mereks. Now i just need some goats. Did tell you we will breed the dog this year if her hips check out?:lau

Wow lots of babies!

Good news on the storm!

We are still waiting for the atmospheric river here

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Wow! I had not heard of atmospheric rivers until today; fascinating stuff!

The one last week went south of us. We had .67 inches while those that were in the path of the atmospheric river got 2 to 4 inches.

The worst one recorded here was in the late 1800s with a series of them that lasted about 30 days. Sacramento was pretty much destroyed and had to be rebuilt.

Luckily there were not that many people here then

Wow that's so interesting! Never heard of them either.

Sadly April showers make May to September fires here! The more the brush and grass grows the more dry fuel there will be. Last year was the worst fire season ever after one of the wettest springs.

Remember, California goes into a 6 or more months drought each summer. Anything not irrigated will shrivel up and die here soon.

During the last drought and water restrictions the officials did not make it clear that the trees should get water. An Apartment complex was destroyed by fire when one of the dead trees went up in flames.

Wow that's awful.

I don't guess you have a swimming pool @rjohns39. That is what saved us last fall when the power was out for 3 days. Pool wasn't frozen yet so filling a 5 gallon bucket was easy.

I'm glad I got to the end and it said filling 5 gallon bucket because for a minute there I thought you meant you just went to the bathroom in your pool. :lau :sick

I know that dumping the bucket in the toilet will trigger the flush response because I do that when emptying the fish tank.

Which btw I finally vaccumed last week. And finally changed the filter and added water. Emptied the tank almost completely and also scrubbed the algae off the sides.

Admittedly I have been a HORRIBLE fish owner lately and still had never changed the water after I accidentally dumped that pile of food in the tank.... and that was a LONG time ago (I think?), water level was very low, and filter was vile and barely checked on or fed them, def not daily :(

Anyway, I finally changed it last week because I figured I should do it before the trip cause I figured I shouldn't leave them alone like that.

And I don't know why I'm sharing what a terrible owner I've been but I guess I want to be honest. Some people just wouldn't mention that or would outwardly lie and I don't have to mention it, didn't even need to bring up fish, but I want to say it because now I've been better. That was the worst I've been with them though and I've had them over a year.

Anyway, now I'm better about it.

The tank is also really inaccessible too with where it is and all the stuff piled in front of it which made it harder to clean and I think once it got to being so bad I knew it was a big task which makes it harder for me to do it.


I've sense cleaned out a lot of the area around the tank and I found a bucket to vaccum AND I also bought a vacuum with a siphon pump and an algae scrubber a while ago but never used it till this water change. All of these things make it much, MUCH easier to do water changes and clean the tank. I was amazed.

So now I think I'm going to do regular water changes, at least partial ones. Cause it's so freaking easy now.

Without the bulb pump thingy I could never get a siphon started and didn't want to do the gross mouth thing. With the bulb it's so easy and fast.

And btw the gravel was disgusting. I should really change it completely but I think the bacteria on it is necessary? I need to vaccum it again at least but the water is clear now. But I took several buckets full of water and it's still gross and still was getting more stuff hah

People never know the worth of water until the toilet runs dry!

Gross lol but true

Oh, man, @rjohns39 - I hope that doggone plumber gets there soon. That would drive me crazy!

Home with my cute little home sleep apnea tester dealy. I had to go up there - had to learn how it hooks up to me and the little monitor thingy (love the medical terms?) and it snowed the whole time we were up there. The tech said they'd like me to get at least 6 hours of sleep, so Ken told her he'd go out into the yard, find a big stone, and "rock" me to sleep if he had to. Um, she was not amused. On the way home we got to Bridger, and it stopped, the sun was out, and it was 49 degrees. But tomorrow is also supposed to be bad, so we we'll head out first thing and get this returned. So sick of winter! We have had snow every month for the last 7 months. <sigh> Snow to me is like Iris has been to @Teila - unending.

The moisture is the same way here, @ronott1 - just makes more fuel for the fires. It's really a double edged sword.

LOL OMG. Some people just don't get humor.

Any particular reason you don't sleep?

Some people just do not have a sense of humour or 'get' the banter that some couples can have .. makes me wonder what their life is like.

Hubby and I are constantly ribbing each other in a loving, joking way and we also get some strange or not amused looks :rolleyes:

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Nice! I love it. It's so cute.
Wow lots of babies!

Wow that's so interesting! Never heard of them either.

Wow that's awful.

I'm glad I got to the end and it said filling 5 gallon bucket because for a minute there I thought you meant you just went to the bathroom in your pool. :lau :sick

I know that dumping the bucket in the toilet will trigger the flush response because I do that when emptying the fish tank.

Which btw I finally vaccumed last week. And finally changed the filter and added water. Emptied the tank almost completely and also scrubbed the algae off the sides.

Admittedly I have been a HORRIBLE fish owner lately and still had never changed the water after I accidentally dumped that pile of food in the tank.... and that was a LONG time ago (I think?), water level was very low, and filter was vile and barely checked on or fed them, def not daily :(

Anyway, I finally changed it last week because I figured I should do it before the trip cause I figured I shouldn't leave them alone like that.

And I don't know why I'm sharing what a terrible owner I've been but I guess I want to be honest. Some people just wouldn't mention that or would outwardly lie and I don't have to mention it, didn't even need to bring up fish, but I want to say it because now I've been better. That was the worst I've been with them though and I've had them over a year.

Anyway, now I'm better about it.

The tank is also really inaccessible too with where it is and all the stuff piled in front of it which made it harder to clean and I think once it got to being so bad I knew it was a big task which makes it harder for me to do it.


I've sense cleaned out a lot of the area around the tank and I found a bucket to vaccum AND I also bought a vacuum with a siphon pump and an algae scrubber a while ago but never used it till this water change. All of these things make it much, MUCH easier to do water changes and clean the tank. I was amazed.

So now I think I'm going to do regular water changes, at least partial ones. Cause it's so freaking easy now.

Without the bulb pump thingy I could never get a siphon started and didn't want to do the gross mouth thing. With the bulb it's so easy and fast.

And btw the gravel was disgusting. I should really change it completely but I think the bacteria on it is necessary? I need to vaccum it again at least but the water is clear now. But I took several buckets full of water and it's still gross and still was getting more stuff hah

Gross lol but true

LOL OMG. Some people just don't get humor.

Any particular reason you don't sleep?


Nice! I love it. It's so cute.
so much in one post! It's great that you're taking better care of the fish tank!
so much in one post! It's great that you're taking better care of the fish tank!

Yeah I know, sorry about that! Haha

And thanks!

I feel awful for letting it get so bad to begin with but sometimes it can be really hard to force myself to do anything haha

But now it is a lot easier so I think I'll do it more often.

But I'm also hoping to get a bigger tank and/or move them outside. It's time for either ha they've just about outgrown this one
Yeah I know, sorry about that! Haha

And thanks!

I feel awful for letting it get so bad to begin with but sometimes it can be really hard to force myself to do anything haha

But now it is a lot easier so I think I'll do it more often.

But I'm also hoping to get a bigger tank and/or move them outside. It's time for either ha they've just about outgrown this one

Often those jobs feel so much bigger than they actually are (once you've got the right equipment). I'm like that cleaning out my outdoor quail - it only takes 10 minutes but I put it off (often because of the heat at the moment - if I don't get out there early enough its torture).
Before I forget again...

@007Sean you need to show off some photos of your birds. That one you're using as your current avatar is gorgeous!
It is extremely hard to get a decent photo of any pheasant, let alone a Golden pheasant, their constantly on the move, especially this time of year. I'm really partial to that one in the avatar. Took 7 years to breed the rich, deep yellow colors that he has...and he is now passing on those genes to his offspring. :celebrate
Edited to say: Yes, that's lantana in the pen...hasn't killed my birds yet! and they eat the flowers, berries, leaves....go figure, suppose to be toxic to birds, not mine:gig
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