The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I'm enjoying watching some of the commonwealth games. It's always great to see sport that isn't rugby or cricket (which is generally the only sports that get tv time in NZ).
And those are 2 sports one never sees in the USA! Well, I don't have cable (actually not even an antenna) so I suppose some MIGHT be able to watch those. Not on "network" stations.

And I don't know why I'm sharing what a terrible owner I've been but I guess I want to be honest.
Because calling yourself out is recognition that you know you should be doing better at it and want to. And you did!

The tank is also really inaccessible too with where it is and all the stuff piled in front of it
Sounds like a large majority of my house. Though the area in front of the tank is clear. I need to vacuum and replace water. I may do it more often than you but not often enough, the water is down an inch.

So now I think I'm going to do regular water changes, at least partial ones. Cause it's so freaking easy now.
Not "at least" but "only" partial changes. Way easier on the fish!

And btw the gravel was disgusting. I should really change it completely but I think the bacteria on it is necessary?
Don't need to change it, you are right, the bacteria ARE necessary. There and in the filter. That is why it is recommended not to clean both the filter and gravel at the same time. I often clean the filter a few days ahead of time. And I'm careful to use tank temperature water so the bacteria that are left in the medium aren't killed. Also, we have well water so no worries about chlorine or chloramine in the water I'm using.

And also I'm kind of OCD/somewhat perfectionist/detail oriented too so I have to do everything the best and can't just half butt it ha.
Ah, but with the tank you don't WANT to be perfect, a sanitized tank is not a hospitable environment for the plants or fish. I vacuum no more than shy of 5 gallons from my 29 gallon tank. I shove the vacuum down into the gravel and when the obvious cloud gets light move it to another place. There is still "stuff" in the gravel and that is good.

and now for some of the inside...
I don't think that A/C unit will cool or dehumidify the house much in that location ;)
Looks like lots of cabinet space. The house must be pretty old if it has iron pipe! What's up with the electric that it is not to code?
Morning everyone :frow Off to a slow start this morning but another cup of coffee should help.

@007Sean loved the interview and seeing more of your birds. Plus the, that was beautiful! Any time you feel like show some more of your art work, I'd love to see it.

@rjohns39 so sorry about the water hassle. There's not much worse than water and/or electric problems.

@Michelle Farmer-Brown wonderful looking house! Nice to have all the cabinetry in the kitchen. Keep us posted on how your projects go with settling it and fixing it up!

Off to do more catch up on posts...back soon!

I love it!

Love your new house. The kitchen has loads of cabinets and lots of potential :)

:thumbsup . I know you feel accomplished, glad you got motivated :)

Glad to hear you have water back, hope the permanent water lines are in soon.

I do, thank you! Me too lol

And those are 2 sports one never sees in the USA! Well, I don't have cable (actually not even an antenna) so I suppose some MIGHT be able to watch those. Not on "network" stations.

Because calling yourself out is recognition that you know you should be doing better at it and want to. And you did!

Sounds like a large majority of my house. Though the area in front of the tank is clear. I need to vacuum and replace water. I may do it more often than you but not often enough, the water is down an inch.

Not "at least" but "only" partial changes. Way easier on the fish!

Don't need to change it, you are right, the bacteria ARE necessary. There and in the filter. That is why it is recommended not to clean both the filter and gravel at the same time. I often clean the filter a few days ahead of time. And I'm careful to use tank temperature water so the bacteria that are left in the medium aren't killed. Also, we have well water so no worries about chlorine or chloramine in the water I'm using.

Ah, but with the tank you don't WANT to be perfect, a sanitized tank is not a hospitable environment for the plants or fish. I vacuum no more than shy of 5 gallons from my 29 gallon tank. I shove the vacuum down into the gravel and when the obvious cloud gets light move it to another place. There is still "stuff" in the gravel and that is good.

I don't think that A/C unit will cool or dehumidify the house much in that location ;)
Looks like lots of cabinet space. The house must be pretty old if it has iron pipe! What's up with the electric that it is not to code?

That's true, thank you!

The problem is my bed is on the other side of the room and I have a dresser and bookcase so in front of the tank is really the only spot to fit it. But a lot of the stuff could and should come out haha

True. I guess I might like 1/4 or 1/2 changes more often. I never do a full change, the water got down to like an inch or two, probably two, because I didn't realize how much water I was taking out but also cause it was gross and needed to come out. But that's the most I've ever taken out and it was only because it was really really gross. Normally I only take a few gallons out.

Whoops! I did both and i rinsed the filter off/was pulling brown gunk off it and wiped it off the holder which i assume was the bacteria but it is so gross. But there was still plenty on it. And the water is warm from the tub. I hope I am not killing my bacteria every time I do water changes.... But I always make sure to add more! Usually accidentally way more than it says to.

I don't try to sanitize it but more just I can't only add a splash of water or replace the filter, had to do everything and do a good job hahah

Although I definitely took out WAY more water than that!! Is that bad?

I was thinking I had to get everything out of the gravel. Whoops. I didn't even remotely come close to that though so its okay. I would like to vaccum it again though because there was a lot of gross food bits and big huge pieces and stuff.
It is extremely hard to get a decent photo of any pheasant, let alone a Golden pheasant, their constantly on the move, especially this time of year. I'm really partial to that one in the avatar. Took 7 years to breed the rich, deep yellow colors that he has...and he is now passing on those genes to his offspring. :celebrate
Edited to say: Yes, that's lantana in the pen...hasn't killed my birds yet! and they eat the flowers, berries, leaves....go figure, suppose to be toxic to birds, not mine:gig
A poultry judge that used to be on BYC gave a pro tip: Take a Movie of them and the take stills from the movie.
Exactly! If I would just do it it would take like two seconds but I always put stuff off. Including or even especially homework lol

And also I'm kind of OCD/somewhat perfectionist/detail oriented too so I have to do everything the best and can't just half butt it ha. Well, with homework I can somewhat cause I wait to write stuff till last minute. But even then I try to make it good. But for example, with something like cleaning the fish tank or sometimes cooking, I can't just make it simple. Example, I was going to just add water to the tank and change the filter because I didn't want to fully clean it and I also had to pack and didn't really have time. Ended up doing all the vacuuming and scrubbing and filling and emptying again etc. and took like an hour lol and before that I had spent like an hour or two cleaning the chickens cause I added new shavings in the nest boxes (had already added shavings to the coop a week or two before), pine pellets in the run to bathe in, refilled food and water, etc. Etc. The pine pellet thing or even filling of nest boxes was probably unnecessary. I was "only" adding tons of food and water to leave them. Nope. Gotta fully clean everything right before we leave lol

I am somewhat like my mom in that regard. She usually always cleans before we leave. Me too except I do animal chores. I wait and wait and wait and don't do them but day before we leave or day of? Do EVERYTHING and tire myself out. :lau
It is because you want to suffer before taking the vacation so that you will deserve it!

That is a very Catholic thing LOL
I have cleaned the filter and tank at the same time, it is just better to do them separately. But if the filter is really bad, it needs to be cleaned! Probably again a couple of days after cleaning the tank since that will stir up stuff that the filter will suck in. Neither the gravel nor the filter will be too bad once you get on top of it.

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