The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

And those are 2 sports one never sees in the USA! Well, I don't have cable (actually not even an antenna) so I suppose some MIGHT be able to watch those. Not on "network" stations.

Because calling yourself out is recognition that you know you should be doing better at it and want to. And you did!

Sounds like a large majority of my house. Though the area in front of the tank is clear. I need to vacuum and replace water. I may do it more often than you but not often enough, the water is down an inch.

Not "at least" but "only" partial changes. Way easier on the fish!

Don't need to change it, you are right, the bacteria ARE necessary. There and in the filter. That is why it is recommended not to clean both the filter and gravel at the same time. I often clean the filter a few days ahead of time. And I'm careful to use tank temperature water so the bacteria that are left in the medium aren't killed. Also, we have well water so no worries about chlorine or chloramine in the water I'm using.

Ah, but with the tank you don't WANT to be perfect, a sanitized tank is not a hospitable environment for the plants or fish. I vacuum no more than shy of 5 gallons from my 29 gallon tank. I shove the vacuum down into the gravel and when the obvious cloud gets light move it to another place. There is still "stuff" in the gravel and that is good.

I don't think that A/C unit will cool or dehumidify the house much in that location ;)
Looks like lots of cabinet space. The house must be pretty old if it has iron pipe! What's up with the electric that it is not to code?
Knob & tube. Plus a bit of wiring the owner did without permit or inspection. A lit of the wiring is spliced.
We're not planning on using A/C. We don't get hot enough for long enough to warrant it, plus we live off grid solar and it would use too much power.

Yes, the pipes are cast iron. We'll be replacing it.
Coming back the same roads that were ice, snow and brown slush were dry in many places. I mean dry, like summer day dry! Weird. It was still really bad until about 40 miles out of Billings itself, and in Billings, but after that it was just cloudy with a few wet patches. Gotta love it! There’s a lot more moving in later this afternoon and into tomorrow, but I’m lighting a fire and staying put!
Coming back the same roads that were ice, snow and brown slush were dry in many places. I mean dry, like summer day dry! Weird. It was still really bad until about 40 miles out of Billings itself, and in Billings, but after that it was just cloudy with a few wet patches. Gotta love it! There’s a lot more moving in later this afternoon and into tomorrow, but I’m lighting a fire and staying put!

Glad you got home without problems B! They're calling for rain/snowshowers here tonight and on in to tomorrow. Figures, I have a trip to Laramie planned...we'll see if it's go or no go tomorrow.

Enjoy your fire and stay warm!
It is because you want to suffer before taking the vacation so that you will deserve it!

That is a very Catholic thing LOL

Wait is that really a thing!? LOL

I have cleaned the filter and tank at the same time, it is just better to do them separately. But if the filter is really bad, it needs to be cleaned! Probably again a couple of days after cleaning the tank since that will stir up stuff that the filter will suck in. Neither the gravel nor the filter will be too bad once you get on top of it.

Thanks! So I should vacuum again a few days after or change the filter? Isn't that a waste of a filter? I should check it though ha

I was rinsing the black pad. The white part i just toss.

Longest. Slowest. Yuckiest. Drive. To. Billings. In. Years. 89 miles at 30 mph. Then we get to turn around and go home. <sigh>

Sounds miserable!

Reminds me of the time it took us like 9 hours to go 4 hours lol and I got carsick within like the first few minutes cause i used my phone right away. And we had to keep stopping cause I'd get sick every time we moved. Finally at this one stop I finally hurled and everyone else got subs at Subway and I saved mine for later ha also it was the longest drive because all I wanted to do was GET OUT OF THE FREAKING CAR but we couldn't stop a million times or stop early cause we had to get to the destination. Also my brother happened to be drunk that same trip before we even picked him up (from his frat on the way out) so he was passed out in the backseat the first few hours. I think there was also a big argument at some point where someone got out of the car when we were trying to go to dinner. It was an interesting trip :lau
Lookie, lookie! Update on our sweet little Ashely just posted a few minutes ago on FB!


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