The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Most likely. High pressure doesn't really patch very well.

Wrong headed thinking. Mother nature is going to flood, drop trees on or blow the house away if she wants, isn't going to look and say "oh, there are people in that one, I'll leave it alone". Nobody is talking about walking away, they are talking about saving your life and returning to fix up that house that is dear to your heart. Gotta be a lot of fun sitting on the roof (if it is still there) of your flooded house getting slammed by the wind and rain. And then those people think someone should come rescue them. i wholeheartedly agree with this

Hurricane season in Florida is through the end of November.

Nothing remotely humorous about that.
didn't say it for humor, said it because the boys loved the meat and were stupid, bad enough in daylight but at night is 10 times worse, moccasins, big ones on that river and they can bite underwater too and will, one of the snakes that will chase you to bite

Freeze and ship!

rat mincemeat pie!

You can buy a lot of over taxed gas for $2,500.
It all depends on what we're comparing to. If compared to the factory way better. If compared to what I did before I moved to TN, it's easy and requires mental work, but not the same. But not something I need or really want anymore. In my old life I was the boss. I had a team of 150 great professionals who did an amazing job. After we lost the contract, my most impressive feat was to ensure all of them had a soft landing. Ironically, I'm still in contact with my old customers who are all unhappy with the new contractor. But the whole thing was political... Had the contract for 13 years, way too long in the eyes of the feds. So a change was needed.
i firmly believe, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, one of the feds might have a friend in one of the new company's owners
morning everyone:frow
well, here we go again, raining here again
I don’t know how much you’ve got but here we got at least 2.5 inches with this last rain then it turned to snow:barnieHarvest is at a dead stop. This time of year it doesn't dry off. It doesnt compare to the horrible hurricane so I shouldn’t complain :(
Morning everyone :frow

Sharron do you have webbed feet? with all the rain y'all have had I wouldn't doubt it! :lau

Morning Bob, Debby

Everyone make it a great day! :celebrate
:frow :gig, no , no webbed feet, toes are too short for webs but being fat, float real good and swim good too and i save on shoes cause i go barefooted, and get my feet cleaned from stains:lau

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