The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

my type of person. we had old white ash trees in our pasture until the , i think it was, emerald boers went thru and also had a couple in our yard, the boers killed them and now whenever we get a bad wind, we lose a couple , the one right in the front yard we had to have taken down so it wouldn't come down on the house , but it really upsets me to lose these old massive trees, we still have one old oak tree that so far is still alive but has a hole in the center, thats why husband wanted a new log splitter, at least they will keep us warm for awhile, but would rather had the trees still alive:hit
FSIL posted the first one and sent the text and pictures the other day and the other ones I think are from last night.
What are they doing in the Kingdom?

It's just a cabin but that's really all they need. I think it's mostly just kind of a weekend place
Ah. Do they ski at Jay? BTW those weekend/vacation "cabins" are referred to as camps in Vermont. It is what people are referring to when they say "we are going to camp this weekend".

and I hit the bed and the heating pad and stayed there.
Ah yes, the versatile Momma Heating Pad!

I hate that says “disabled” and I’m really not, so it feels like I’m saying, “Okay, Age and Aches and Pains, you win.”
You are TEMPORARILY disabled. Have Ken haul out and clean up the chair. :hugs

I try laying on my left side, the weight (gravity) pulls down great enough to cause considerable discomfort to the right leg
Do you have one of those hourglass shaped "knee pillows" Sean? If not, I suggest you get one. DW got one about a month ago, helps with the RA in her hips. She gets up at 5:20, I borrow the pillow for about an hour until I get up. I don't have specific problems with my hips but they can be uncomfortable when I get up in the morning. The one I ordered for myself should be arriving soon.

Had an electrician out today to get an estimate on rewiring the house. Looks like the easiest/quickest way to get it done is to tear the place down to the studs.
Drywall and in decent shape?? The electricians that did the work on the rebuilt part of the house said they will cut out a strip of drywall when they have to rewire a place. Not hard to put new drywall in, much less expensive than taking it down to the studs.

A snow leopard at UCDavis had eyelid surgery too!
I hope it stays out of the chicken coop so it won't rip open the stitches by smacking its head on a roost.
I had a couple of live oak trees on my place that were about 800 years old. We have been having oak wilt moving through the area for about 10 years now. It got them and the neighbors trees, too! Really sad, there's really no treatment for it, it cost around $4000/tree and there is no guarantee that the treatment will work. Only have one huge old one left in front yard and it has been hurt by it but hasn't die from it, least not yet.
I had a couple of live oak trees on my place that were about 800 years old. We have been having oak wilt moving through the area for about 10 years now. It got them and the neighbors trees, too! Really sad, there's really no treatment for it, it cost around $4000/tree and there is no guarantee that the treatment will work. Only have one huge old one left in front yard and it has been hurt by it but hasn't die from it, least not yet.
yeah. i grew up with live oaks in the yard, have no idea how old they were but sure did love climbing them, such beautiful old trees. we only have water oaks on the property we own in fl now, but since they grow so slow, i will never see anything big on our property altho neighbors have the live oaks so i can enjoy them:lol:
i hate it when a old tree goes down , even more when someone cuts it down unless its a danger to a house, i love the big, big old trees

Like these? They make me nervous when we get our 50mph winds.
What are they doing in the Kingdom?

Ah. Do they ski at Jay? BTW those weekend/vacation "cabins" are referred to as camps in Vermont. It is what people are referring to when they say "we are going to camp this weekend".

Ah yes, the versatile Momma Heating Pad!

You are TEMPORARILY disabled. Have Ken haul out and clean up the chair. :hugs

Do you have one of those hourglass shaped "knee pillows" Sean? If not, I suggest you get one. DW got one about a month ago, helps with the RA in her hips. She gets up at 5:20, I borrow the pillow for about an hour until I get up. I don't have specific problems with my hips but they can be uncomfortable when I get up in the morning. The one I ordered for myself should be arriving soon.

Drywall and in decent shape?? The electricians that did the work on the rebuilt part of the house said they will cut out a strip of drywall when they have to rewire a place. Not hard to put new drywall in, much less expensive than taking it down to the studs.

I hope it stays out of the chicken coop so it won't rip open the stitches by smacking its head on a roost.

Checking out their new place :D dog 1 (can DD1 and DD2 also stand for dear dog 1 & 2? :lol:) was at training camp so they took the little one to the camp

And thanks for the vocab lesson! Definitely want to make sure we are saying the right thing! Will pass it on so they don't stick out like a sore thumb :p

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