The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning everyone!

Cap, you are going to be dangerous with an incubator. There's no stopping you now!:lol:
I already own one Brinsea, but no turner. I have an incuview running now, on lockdown. I have 4 styrofoam bators and a home made one. Yes, i am an addict.:lau
I've seen dogs riding a bike, but never chickens. How would they reach the pedals ? :confused:
Modifications for special needs!

Ok, I'm taking you with me the next time I go shopping! :bow
Just don't try to get a deal FROM her!

Ok, maybe not reaching the pedals but it is 'riding' a bicycle!
They need to raise the seat on that bike LOTS. Poor girl is going to blow her knees out way early. I wonder what that chicken thinks of the whole thing.

LOL pretty sure human females would respond this way too!
Most likely! So how is it that even way out in the bush, cats still lie in the road???

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