The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hello and good morning all! Looks like another warm day here, got lots to do today to get ready to pick up our rooster tomorrow! We're still working on a coop and run for him but got a good start yesterday.

Wow @CapricornFarm! You might wanna change the name to Capricorn Hatchery!:gig Congratulations on your new Brinsea and also your hatching chicks!
Hello and good morning all! Looks like another warm day here, got lots to do today to get ready to pick up our rooster tomorrow! We're still working on a coop and run for him but got a good start yesterday.

Wow @CapricornFarm! You might wanna change the name to Capricorn Hatchery!:gig Congratulations on your new Brinsea and also your hatching chicks!
Modifications for special needs!

Just don't try to get a deal FROM her!

They need to raise the seat on that bike LOTS. Poor girl is going to blow her knees out way early. I wonder what that chicken thinks of the whole thing.

Most likely! So how is it that even way out in the bush, cats still lie in the road???

LOL guess all cats like roads :lau

That was funny, the dogs clearly know the game.

They sure do! And they seem to love it! :D Libby sometimes does the stare, not as much the stalking but a little bit, and she freezes in place and stares at Frank but it’s all part of their game. They do this new game where they run all around the yard like crazy and Frank will go down in the brush and in the bushes and trees and hide then take off again and it’s soooo funny to watch. Frank is so so fast, like lightning, so he is usually in the lead/initiates it and Libby is so slow chasing behind him but they go all out running all over for a few minutes, really tires them out, but anyway, Libby is slower so sometimes she has to use her smarts and cut him off instead cause there’s no way she’d ever catch up to him lol she does occasionally but very rarely and usually only when he slows down a bit like when rounding a corner/turning or hitting a dead end. But anyway, sometimes he purposely stops too and will stand there eating the branches on the bushes where he is and then he will take off again and so will she. So funny. One of his primary stops is on one side of the raspberry bushes (they have a little row of them in the yard) and Libby on the other side, kind of on a hill, and she will freeze and then all of a sudden pounce through the bushes on him. Hilarious. Today she froze a lot longer than usual, she just got to the bushes and stood there frozen for sooo long, like a minute at least, and then you could see her shoulders/body start to quiver just ever so slightly and I knew she was gonna pounce soon as she quivered a little bit more and more and then POUNCE! LOL but Frank doesn’t mind. It is all part of their game. And then sometimes she catches him when he turns at the bottom right corner of the yard, kinda in the marsh when he hits the corner of the fence, and they will wrestle and play bite just a little bit then off he goes again. It’s like they know this is a chase game. Cause normally when they wrestle they can go a while. And they actually normally do wrestle and play bite, etc., etc. most of the time or eat sticks together but they recently invented this new game. So fun to watch. They will usually play at least one round now whenever they are outside but sometimes they even play 2 or 3 depending on how long they are out for. Really tires them out. Especially Libby. Lol she is old and slow now compared to him :lau she’s not even old, only turned a year I think in November or December, but she has really calmed down a lot, and Frank is just soooo fast lol

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