The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Huh that’s very odd!! Seems kind of dangerous to keep kids like that.

With it being government funded, they don't want to tell anyone they can't come as long as their income is in the right range. We are not only expected to teach the children but the parents as well. Most of our parents are young, many have their first child while still in high school.
With it being government funded, they don't want to tell anyone they can't come as long as their income is in the right range. We are not only expected to teach the children but the parents as well. Most of our parents are young, many have their first child while still in high school.

You and @DigMyChicks have my admiration for doing the work you do. Definitely not a job for everyone. And there must be days that it feels rewarding.
It was a good day :) Hope yours was too!
Kids settling down and behaving now?

One of our naughty kids finally got kicked out and a loud mouthed teacher quit. It’s a different atmosphere now.

Bratty kids can actually get expelled from pre-school? What a way to start off life!
I guess! I wonder if the parents learn anything from that. Probably just blame the people at the school. Seems like a psychological evaluation for that kid is in order.

You and @DigMyChicks have my admiration for doing the work you do. Definitely not a job for everyone.
THAT is for SURE! I wouldn't last 15 minutes.
With it being government funded, they don't want to tell anyone they can't come as long as their income is in the right range. We are not only expected to teach the children but the parents as well. Most of our parents are young, many have their first child while still in high school.

That makes sense then. I think. And aw that’s kinda sad but hopefully they can learn from it. :fl

You and @DigMyChicks have my admiration for doing the work you do. Definitely not a job for everyone. And there must be days that it feels rewarding.


Kids settling down and behaving now?


I guess! I wonder if the parents learn anything from that. Probably just blame the people at the school. Seems like a psychological evaluation for that kid is in order.

THAT is for SURE! I wouldn't last 15 minutes.

X2!!! That kid definitely needs one and maybe a home evaluation or therapy or something too.

And me neither!!
Wish they would kick some our children out-but they don't do that where I work :(
Like I said, teachers don’t get paid enough to do what they do. :hugsThis is technically a daycare with teaching. They don’t have a real teaching degree but have taken classes that qualify them to do what they do. Right now we have our toddlers and preschool together which is very hard. One of the employees will be starting classes soon to take over teaching the toddlers.
A three year old?!? Holy *beep*! Those kids better pray someone comes along fast to straighten them out or their lives are going to be a train wreck.
Right?? The little sister looks like an angel and she’s fast on her way to being like the brothers...18 months old. The oldest brother is 6 and not fully potty trained. I will not miss this family. Children always smell and they are dirty. Makes me angry!
I have worked in many places that have the 3 strikes and your out, but I've also worked in places that are like the one I'm at now that refuses to kick anyone out. No matter what they do!
How can children learn with constant distraction? Very sad.
You and @DigMyChicks have my admiration for doing the work you do. Definitely not a job for everyone. And there must be days that it feels rewarding.
Thanks Debby! There are children that are really good.
I remember a kid in grammar school. He took a shine to me. I guess he was trying to impress me by saying he liked to throw cats in a garbage can and set them on fire. Luckily by then I had learned to keep a blank expression. But saying I was terrified of him was a massive understatement.

He also put a snake in the teacher's coat closet. She was so frightened, and trying NOT to be. All the color left her face.

Same school-different teacher - when the monster that lived next door to me,knocked me down on ice covered sidewalk. Broke out the bottom half of my new permanent front teeth.His mother said he wasn't the one. She was at home. I WAS there. I was walking to the school building with my boyfriend(??) Ricky. Kid next door didn't like that.

Other worse things happened to me in that neighborhood - then we moved away.Into different set of problem neighbors.

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