The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I have never been a daytime sleeper. Mom always said that I must have been transfused with rooster blood - to bed at dusk and up at daybreak.
I use to be that way but I do what the customer wants and they want to test at night! :he
Good guys can be hard to find. I'm hanging on to mine too! Igor doesn't garden, but he helps with housework and builds things for me. I can handle the rest.
amen, its rare to find one who can do most anything and will just because he loves you and doesn't want you to do it. husbands daddy was like that too, yep, as long as he'll have me, will keep him:fl:fl
We don't have a garden here for a few different reasons. First, we work a TON of hours all summer (April-October). Two, the ground is rocky, rain scarce and there's no outside water available so the thought of trying to lug water from inside the house to outside doesn't thrill me (it's enough lugging for the chickens). Three, the wind blows all the time so everything would have to be protected. And last, the antelope and deer eat almost anything green. A greenhouse would help but even with that, it would have to be able to withstand the wind and water would have to be sorted out.

I'm going to try to go back to work for one more season (fingers crossed). It should be easier because the restaurant closed so it will be just taking care of the golfers. And I could use the money.

A lot hinges on my foot so we'll see how things shape up. But I'm hoping I can do the work.

Why did you move there again? :lol:

I hope your leg gets better regardless, but I know getting out of that kitchen was a great thing for you. You don't have to go out on the course working the clubhouse right? Do you serve mixed drinks and all that, or just beer?

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