The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I suspect you are both happy it isn't 115°.

Maps made by the same people who guess at the chance and amount of rain? Ash coming through a screen sure doesn't sounds like "good" air quality to me. Good compared to ????
You would be correct as far as I’m concerned Bruce. We had way too much of that!
Thanks! You too!! How are you feeling?
Thanks for asking Kelsey, Each day is better and they say I'm ahead of all the milestones, so I'm thankful for that. Most days the headaches tolerable and I only wobbly when I get up too fast or something similar. We won't mention what the heat does to me 😞
Hope your having a great day 😊

Good morning All!

The maps say that air quality is good but ash came in the window through the screen!

The light is also very orange here today. Hopefully this will be the last of it.
Good afternoon Ron :frow Have a great day and I hope things get better soon for you!!

I suspect you are both happy it isn't 115°.

Maps made by the same people who guess at the chance and amount of rain? Ash coming through a screen sure doesn't sounds like "good" air quality to me. Good compared to ????
Good afternoon Bruce :frowHave a great day 😉

Good morning Debby! I'm glad you're doing good today, I hope the soreness goes away quickly!

Good morning Bob! :frow

Good morning! :frow

Good morning Sue! :frow Hope today is a good day for you health wise as well as overall!
Good afternoon Rene :frowHave a great day and I hope it clears up for you soon !!
So far today's not been bad, slight headache and of course the swelling ( some days better than others )
Thanks for asking Kelsey, Each day is better and they say I'm ahead of all the milestones, so I'm thankful for that. Most days the headaches tolerable and I only wobbly when I get up too fast or something similar. We won't mention what the heat does to me 😞
Hope your having a great day 😊

Good afternoon Ron :frow Have a great day and I hope things get better soon for you!!

Good afternoon Bruce :frowHave a great day 😉

Good afternoon Rene :frowHave a great day and I hope it clears up for you soon !!
So far today's not been bad, slight headache and of course the swelling ( some days better than others )
Glad to hear you’re doing better!! I hope you continue improving! :hugs

And I am thank you!

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