The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Good morning Chrissy, Bob, Sue and everyone. Make it a great day!
This is my favorite day of the week at work, I can get a lot done with minimal interruptions.
:frow Good morning IM, have a great day
Good morning Chrissy!

Morning Bob, have a good day!

Hi Sue, enjoy your day!

Hi IM, enjoy your favorite work day!
:frow Good morning Debby, have a great day
good morning everyone!! rainy here! wouldn't want camels--they spit!
:frow Good morning Cheepteach, have a great day... This might get me slapped, but ask @Grammy60 how she feels about Camels. :gig
Good morning everyone - hope that fires are smoldering out and snow is melting.
:frowGood morning Sour, have a great day
Good morning everyone - hope that fires are smoldering out and snow is melting.

Morning Sour, how are you doing today?

Our weather is being a bit goofy this morning...bit of snow, then rain, then snow pellets. But it's supposed to warm up over the next few, so we're good!

Good morning IM :frow Have a great day!! That's great that you can get more done 👍😉

Good morning Debby :frow have a great day 😉 is your snow melting ?

Good morning Cheepteach :frowhave a great day 😉

Good morning Sour :frow have a great day 😉

Morning Sue, so what's this camel thing you're going to slap Bob for mentioning? Inquiring minds want to know! :lol:

The fires are burning terribly out here!

Hi Ron, glad the ash isn't such a problem today. Hope the fires are under control soon!
Some times I lose track of how much time I spend online. This morning I shut things off and got a cake baked, 2 loads of laundry going, dishes washed, chickens set up for the day, cat box cleaned out, part of a book read. And it's not even noon yet!
Morning Sour, how are you doing today?

Our weather is being a bit goofy this morning...bit of snow, then rain, then snow pellets. But it's supposed to warm up over the next few, so we're good!

Morning Sue, so what's this camel thing you're going to slap Bob for mentioning? Inquiring minds want to know! :lol:

Hi Ron, glad the ash isn't such a problem today. Hope the fires are under control soon!
Funny I had to ask what you were talking about, he refreshed my memory and now I wish he hadn't. While on vacation in Egypt, we decided it would be a good idea to take a camel ride-because you never know if the opportunity will happen again 😵 So the kids are on one camel, DH is on one and I was supposed to only get my picture taken, but the camel stood up and I about had a heart attack 😬😱 they are a lot higher off the ground than I knew.
Sue's modeling something new... She can talk to what's inside.

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