The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

I forgot - I had a question for all you bakers of bread. If I was going to do a double batch of my milk buns, could I mix up two batches at the same time or would I be better to mix them separately? My stand mixer could take two lots of batter at the same time, but I'm not sure if it would knead it as well with there being so much more dough?

I've been mixing a batch up every night and leaving it in the fridge overnight to do its first rise, then shaping them, letting them rise again and baking them in the morning and that's been working out really well.

We were also excited today to discover that the finches have a baby. They haven't had one for ages. My daughter was freaking out because she couldn't find one of the adult finches (one that we hand reared so he's a bit special) so I went in there, and sure enough he was tucked away in their nestbox with the baby. It's so tiny. ❤️
Yes, you can make a double batch of dough.

Have you tried freezing them? I freeze all of the bread that I bake
Good morning Sue, how's your hand?

Morning Debby, it's doing great and the scar looks really good. I have this weird pink thing I put on my scar overnight under my compression glove and when I take it off, the scar looks amazing. I have very little pain in the surgery area.

56.8° out there now, I am going to have to get busy goat shed and coop cleaning.

Good morning Cappy 😊 have a great day and enjoy your weather, I am today it's between 60\65 right now.
Morning Debby, it's doing great and the scar looks really good. I have this weird pink thing I put on my scar overnight under my compression glove and when I take it off, the scar looks amazing. I have very little pain in the surgery area.

Good morning Cappy 😊 have a great day and enjoy your weather, I am today it's between 60\65 right now.

Glad to hear things are looking up! What does the pink thing do for the scar?

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