The NFC B-Day Chat Thread

Hope you'll share some pictures of the dyed brown eggs, that should be interesting. I saw some photos online the other day where the egg whites were dyed (after hard boiling the eggs) and deviled eggs made from them. Not sure I want to eat dark blue or bright green egg whites but guess they wouldn't taste any different?

Take it from me, no matter what they look like they still taste like deviled eggs. ;)

Dragon's breath is gorgeous!! I suppose where you live they are an perennial, aren't they? If you had hummingbirds down under, they'd be all over them!

Between the behemoths throwing so much shade here all summer and us being gone a lot, I am slowly hunting up plants that will do well. No chickens means I can finally have flowers again, but Tam warned me that she isn't going to be happy if she has to drive over from Byron every day and take care of a lot of plants all summer. We had Jenny do it one year - um, Jenny can look at an artificial plant and kill it, so that wasn't a good idea. I did order my shrimp plants and they came yesterday. They are my very favorite plants! Hummers love them, and they grow and bloom fast. I had one for 8 years. Every year I'd cut him back and bring him in and every spring when he'd go back outside he'd get bigger. Then last year the freeze came unexpectedly and way too soon, and we were out of town. I didn't get him inside, and I lost him.

Tomorrow is Evan's 13 birthday and Easter, but Ken and I have to go to Billings. Spending the night up there because I have to check in so early at the hospital for the endoscopy on Monday. So everyone is coming here today for Easter dinner and birthday cakes. House is cleaned and ready, ham is prepped, rolls are rising, and we're just making it simple.

Hope to get a chance to video Kendra and the magic pencil today sometime too.

Good morning all!
And trying to decide how to dye really brown eggs :lau . Our past "brown" eggs were actually more pink, but the Wellies' eggs are really dark brown, more chocolate in color. Will be interesting to try.
Maybe if you add a lot of blue you will get Olive Egger like eggs. Just putting the color on in reverse order.
Got like 50 posts to catch up on. Not sure I have the time now as I have to shower but just wanted to check in. Yesterday I was nauseous and sick (migraine) so hopefully today is somewhat better. although the fire alarm at the hotel did go off at 8:30.... :/ :barnie but thankfully I was already awake. I slept kinda weird. Went to bed around 10:30 or 11, woke up at 1, fell back asleep, woke up again and laid there a while. Next time I checked it was 7. So what I think happened was I only slept for a few hours after 1 then laid there for a couple hours. I do that when I dont want to get up to pee again ha thinking i would fall back asleep. ANYWAY. I finally got up, peed, then I put my pillows on the other side of the bed and switched sides cause i was kind of sore from laying there so long. should have done it hours ago as I fell right back to sleep. so then I fell asleep only a little bit and was thankfully awake when the fire alarm went off at 830. So my birthday is off to an eventful start so far lol i have a room to myself as we got two rooms across from each other. mine overlooks the lake.

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