the night of the pigeons

Jessica Thompson

Oct 15, 2017
ok so I've been gone for awhile and this is I found a TON of hurt pigeons in my barn here's a list

broken legs
Age: 3 maybe?
Current state: dead
Other: oldest pigeon in our barn father of all the other pigeons

Docs mate crashed into a window while trying to save her
Age: 3 maybe?
Current state: dead
Other:survived hawk attack with Doc

Has a hole through her crop and it goes under her wing
Age:a few months
Current state: died at avian haven bird sanctuary
Other: very friendly

Fell from the nest
Age:month and a half
Current state: at avian haven bird sanctuary
Other: I raised him for awhile

Lemon & lime
Fell from the nest after their mother died
Age 5 weeks
Current state:in my barn lime died over night lemon is very fat and healthy
Other: their mother is blackout

Has a cut under her leg
Age 1 year maybe
Current state died from crashing into a wall
Other: mother of apollo and the twins

A younger male pigeon who lives at the way back of our barn with his mate
Current state: at avian haven bird sanctuary
Other: has a twin brother their always fighting over mates

Young female leaders mate
Age:1 1/2
Current state: living in leaders old nest
Other: none

A young male who lives at the front of our barn
Current state: still in the barn he's the only pigeon left
Other: brother of leader

I rescued her 3 years ago
Current state: never seen again after her release
Other: cute and friendly

Yes I did name all my pigeons in my barn

why I have been gone is because one night in my barn (that's were my chicks and hurts birds are staying) there was this flapping noise there was a pigeon on the floor I picked him up and their was blood all over my hands I brought him down from were he was I trade to stop the bleeding meanwhile my sister found another one with a whole through its crop into its wing I stopped the bleeding with that one and put them in cages the next morning Doc (the one with the Broken legs) was dead I found another he died before i could get to him along with three others. The next day I brought the only living one and the other baby pigeon I found a month ago to avian haven bird sanctuary today I found two squabs their mother died when I was trying to save her she ran into a wall and died the little one that looked like a runt he had bean out longer than the other one was very fat and looked like he had been well fed but he jumped out early I also found an adult who keeps his wings up in the air I have no idea why but is there anything I can do to stop the death of these pigeons?
It sure sounds like this all started with an owl.

I'm really no expert at all and only have my own observations and opinions. I'd guess that the course of events went: Owl got in and tried to eat some birds. The birds were already upset so when you tried to help, they panicked. The panic led to the birds jumping out of nests and running into things. The birds who were caged, being wild, died of a combination of injury and stress.

Does that sound about right, or did I get it completely wrong? I might have misinterpreted some of what you were saying.
It sure sounds like this all started with an owl.

I'm really no expert at all and only have my own observations and opinions. I'd guess that the course of events went: Owl got in and tried to eat some birds. The birds were already upset so when you tried to help, they panicked. The panic led to the birds jumping out of nests and running into things. The birds who were caged, being wild, died of a combination of injury and stress.

Does that sound about right, or did I get it completely wrong? I might have misinterpreted some of what you were saying.

You could be right but I didn't see any owl and there was a hole through ont of them I don't think an owl could do that. We have had a hawk get in there before but he killed them with no trace left behind

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