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Just a reminder that people are born just the same all over the world. Ideologies and experiences change some of them and causes us to misunderstand that.
Alicia Lemke, Matt Harding, Gary Schyman, Melissa Nixon and others have put together some great reminders of that concept.
I play this when I want to feel better.
Here's the version without the lyric subtitles which makes it easier to read the locations.

When I watch this now, I wonder what has become of the boys in Erbil or the dance troupe in Damascus.

another cool one

Thank you for sharing those video links I think they are incredible..... Gointo share them with some freinds

Hey guys. I am in Virginia. My father died yesterday morning. Let's keep it light but legal. Don't shut us down. I need you.

Arg! That is so incredibly tough to work through. Lots of :hugs and prayers to you!

I hope the pain eases. I lost both parents a long time ago. They were both sudden so I think it takes longer to heal when it happens quickly.

That is a good point.... Not as much time to start to process the parting.....

I sure hope your coop fairy is managing the emotional roller coaster of her friend having cancer. Scary, scary!

Health... actually the lack thereof, can be deeply frightening.
Thank you all for the kind words. It is a huge gaping hole in my life. I don't have kids and I talked or texted with him almost daily. He was my family. I am not close to my mom or sister.
I am starting to come out of my fog and heal.

We love you, SCG, and although most of us have never even met you IRL, we still feel close. At least I do. I wish (there I go again) that I could be there with you. I am only a PM away.... Take care and stay strong. Do what he would want you to do. Grieve, recover, move forward, thrive.

Tornado just touched down due west of here moving this way. More development but it looks like it is going to skirt just south of us.
The Cardinal, Cub game is in a weather delay due to the tornado sirens.
They just said people are leaving Busch Stadium with strong rotation heading that way.

Some lively air overhead. Sirens going off and my cell just got an extreme emergency alert.
That's good, I have a lot of work to do in the cellar and I don't have to miss any of the ball game.
However, I don't need any more trees down.
We have that green tornado sky going on. It is really eerie looking outside.
It is shifting slightly to the south so I think we're good.

The TV station we're watching has a tornado heading their way and they just called for all personnel to go to the safe room.
Their roof camera is aimed toward where the tornado is coming from and keeping that view on screen.

I'll check back in later.
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