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Kinda a rough day. Headed home, was supposed to be back on the first flight to my regional airport on the small plane.

Well in Boston they bumped me because the flight weighed too much (ever had to get on a scale and have all your bags weighed to get on a plane?) but instead of putting me on the next flight to my airport, they put me on a flight an hour later to the regional airport on the coast, about an hour from me and said they'd pay for ground transportation back to the other airport where my luggage would be. No problem, I'm a good sport.

I arrive in Rockland and the cabbie for some reason has me down as my sister's name. Incredibly odd, but I roll with it.

The cabbie makes the mistake of asking me how my vacation was. I lost it. I recover fairly quickly and try to pretend I'm not a hot mess for the rest of the ride.

Then we get back to my airport and my luggage is missing. I lose it again with the guy there because my luggage has my dad's stuff in it that I took to remember him by.

Anyway, I got a call a little bit ago and they found my luggage and just brought it to me. It had everything in it.


I just wanted to say thank you to all of you for the kind words and the support. You all are the best.
Whew! What a ride and a half. And to have to share your reason for being out there in the first place. I am soo glad that you got your luggage back so quickly!
Hang in there baby girl. You will do fine. We love you lots ya know.

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