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I stand corrected (by both of you.) Sometimes my momma bear claws come out before I think logically.

I am very protective of those I love. DiDi, I can come up there and set yours straight if I need to.....
Wisher if you think you can bring DH to a higher level of house training than my over 14 years of efforts have produced, I bow to your Jedi mind tricks. Just let me know when you are coming, I'll leave the light on for ya ;) :lau
BTW thank you, that was sweet :hugs
I am sweet, as long as everyone is acting right. I will go as far as to say that I am tolerant... to a point.

I have no Jedi mind tricks. I use simple reason, consistency, poorly veiled threats, and "The Look" (it strikes terror in man and beast.) Of course, it is also important to reward good behavior.

Oh, and the most important part - only lose your cool on rare occasions, but when you do, do it all out. I have to sometimes convince everyone in the house that they have screwed up royally and there is no predicting what I might do, as a result.

It scares the bajeebies out of mine.
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I am sweet, as long as everyone is acting right. I will go as far as to say that I am tolerant... to a point.

I have no Jedi mind tricks. I use simple reason, consistency, poorly veiled threats, and "The Look" (it strikes terror in man and beast.) Of course, it is also important to reward good behavior.

Oh, and the most important part - only lose your cool on rare occasions, but when you do, do it all out. I have to sometimes convince everyone in the house that they have screwed up royally and there is no predicting what I might do, as a result.

It scares the bajeebies out of mine.

Yep I been known to throw furniture.... Gives em all the look of deer in the headlight. I have only done it twice in sixty years. gotem all afeared... still

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The wife has done her best these 12 yrs to 'domesticate' me, she succeeded in some areas, toilet seat down, dishes in the sink, no farting at the dinner table etc. But I refuse to give up beer, she says I need to grow up? Huh, I thought I did grow up so I could drink beer? Lol!
Throwing stuff? Wife drove me to the hospital a few yrs ago when I dropped a 2x6 12 footer above my head, split the skin open at the top of my nose and two black eyes. In reception they asked what happened, I said the wife got mad at me and threw a coffee cup, she did not find any humour in it. Then they ask a series of questions, one of them 'have you ever been a victim of domestic abuse?'...Well, not until she threw that coffee cup! Lol! She looked like she was going to kill me! "That's NOT funny!" Lol, I thought it was...I did tell them what really happened. While waiting for the doc to stitch it up, she says they will probably send the cops to investigate you jerk. Don't worry hun, I'll bail you out! Lol.
On the way home she was not happy, I said you know what is really funny? I WAS waiting for the cops to drag you away, that was the same doc that stitched up my leg 20yrs ago when my uncle stabbed me on accident and the cops showed up and I lied and told them I fell on my hunting knife, luckily he didn't recognize me. Lol!
Seems to me I DO recall you telling us (sorta) about the "uncle stabbing you," part. Actually, sounds like your wife took it pretty well, someone else may have gone straight to lawyer and filled for divorce.
Seems to me I DO recall you telling us (sorta) about the "uncle stabbing you," part. Actually, sounds like your wife took it pretty well, someone else may have gone straight to lawyer and filled for divorce.

nah, she didn't take it well, I told people at work the same thing and it got back to her

You say "someone else may have gone straight to lawyer and filled for divorce." Lol! Maybe I'm domesticating her!
SCG, had a big long stupid post..... erased it. Like to blah ba blah, IMHO...Take care, and sometime tell us about your dad. I'm not the huggy type but

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