The Old Folks Home

the only mistake I ever made was when I thought I was wrong
I made a mistake once also. I bought a pencil with an eraser on it.

Gee my father used to call me " #!$^^&%$#$ " and said he was trying to get rid of me since I was born.
That reminded me of some quotes from one of my favorite deceased comedians, Rodney Dangerfield.

"When I was born the doctor came out to the waiting room and said to my father "I'm very sorry. We did everything we could, but he pulled through."

"I remember the time I was kidnapped and they sent a piece of my finger to my father. He said he wanted more proof. "

"I could tell that my parents hated me. My bath toys were a toaster and a radio. "

"I'm so ugly. My father carries around the picture of the kid who came with his wallet. "
"I'm so ugly. My mother had morning sickness--after I was born. "

"When I was a kid I got no respect. My mother breast fed me through a straw. "

"Oh, when I was a kid, I was poor. Christmas, I got no presents. Well, there was one Christmas, on our front lawn - Prancer and Dancer - they dropped off a little something."

I do not have a relationship with my parents, We have five kids and they have not ever sent a birthday card, no Christmas presents....Just saw them a couple days ago at my nieces graduation party, said some words, mom took some pictures of them all, the youngest our only boy is three soon, she hasn't seen him since he was born. Dad we usually see every few months, when he needs me to change some tires or work on his truck, do some welding on his quarry equipment... At least he stops by....They live three miles from us.
On a better note, I do all I can for my kids, spend a much time as I can to see their happy faces, they're a BLAST! Taking them to the drive in to see 'Inside Out' tomorrow night, and some fishing definitely, and camping IF the weather holds! Been raining here like crazy! First three day weekend I've had in a long time, I usually nail any overtime available. Our 16yr old says she will not go camping if we go, "no Wi-Fi!" ...BooHoo!
Sometimes after years, the reasons we don't get together are forgotten. My 2 sisters live about 80 miles or so south of me. My brother is about 280 miles SW of here. We're old. Our mother died 40 years ago and our dad died almost 30 years ago. My brother is 73, I'm 63. Sisters are in between. My brother and youngest sister are similar in political and religious thought. My older sister and I are close on the same topics. Still, my brother and I are close but have rarely spoken over the last few years. My youngest sister and I haven't seen each other hardly at all. The lack of proximity doesn't help. We had a small family reunion about a month or so ago where we all got together and it was great.
Our childhood wasn't bad but there was a lot of strife and fighting between our parents. My siblings married quite young - one sister at 15 and the other 2 at 18, leaving me to deal with the stress. When I was young and wild, before being married, I travelled to visit all of them regularly. After many years, I realized they never visited me. So I quit visiting.

Just tell your daughter there's Wi-Fi in the wilderness now.

My husband is a Veteran, and we have 2 grand children and a son in law in the Military. So thankful they are willing to do what they do for our country.
My mom had 4 brothers in WWII, My dad and his brothers were farmers so that was an essential industry. After a while they were discussing needing one of them to fight. So, other than the uncles on my mom's side, I'm the only one of any generation that served. I didn't have a warm and fuzzy though, they had to draft me.

that will be your daughter's loss Beer Can. There is LIFE beyond Wi-Fi. My son is 29 and remembers 'that' occasionally and seems to have fun with his ancient mother when he does come for a visit. I'm much younger (immature) on the inside.
I'm on the computer a lot and freak out if I leave my phone at home when I go to the store. (in my defense, it's probably because I expect my car to break down at any moment).
But even if not camping, whenever we would travel, we'd go places with no television or phone service. It's really refreshing to have some downtime.

Our flags are waving high. Just bought new ones so the colors are bright! Spent some time in the Army, don't consider myself a veteran, never served in any wars but many of my good friends and family did, nothing but respect and admiration coming from here!
Thanks for the reminder. I just looked out and saw my flagpole was still collapsed from when I brought it down before the last windstorm. I'll extend it with the flag today. I have to get the spotlight on it too.

I agree with those that have said their relationship with their parents is not perfect but they still love them. Probably the best way to describe the relationship with my dad. We didn't get close until I was an adult. Our childhood was very far from perfect but to move forwards sometimes you have to realize your parents are humans and usually tried to do their best for you. I was able to let go of the past to move forwards and I am glad I did. I am glad I got to really know my dad before he passed. I can forgive the silly human mistakes he made because when it comes down to it, he loved us kids and always provided for us. He did the best he could coming from the upbringing he had which didn't really teach him how to show his emotions. Fairly standard for the times he grew up in and for his gender. Beercan I hope some day things get better between you and your parents but if not, you are doing the best thing by being the opposite with your kids. I would "kill" for the opportunity to live just three miles from my only (so far) grandchild. DD would be ready to kill me for the amount of spoiling I would be doing though.

DH and I are down in Escalante for a few days of hiking and picture taking. Yesterday we arrived and got in a short hike down the Escalante river to get some shots

As always, amazing pictures.
Beautiful pictures!

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My dad always called me "Hey, you" or "Not you, the other one" because -- due to an alcohol habit -- he was lousy with names.  He was really in his cups in my teenage years and made that period of my life miserable at home with his bullying...and I was always the target.  I realize now that it wasn't a reflection on me but his own frustrations and it was easy to get a reaction from a sensitive child; However, when you're a kid in school being picked on because you're short, fat and smart, it doesn't help when home is no sanctuary.   Dad was extremely competitive and into sports, and I was about the antithesis of athleticism....and he had a hard time relating to introverted intellectualism and artistics.  Sister, who was a track star, cheerleader, swimmer, crackshot golfer was the favorite.  Funny how that turned out.... The last three years of Dad's life was spent bedbound in a nursing home.  I lived 750+ miles away and visited him more in half a week than Sis did all year, and she lived a mere 30 miles away.   (And, note, I was up visiting and looking in on the folks at least one week a month, so multiply by at least 10.)

Dad's roots ran deep.  He had oodles of hometown friends, military buddies, golf colleagues and college pals and at his memorial service the reception hall was packed to the rafters.  He was competitve and a business shark, but a softie.... Would always shed a tear at weddings.  He had a knack for gardening (most likely where I got my love of agriculture), was extremely patriotic and made sure we kids got to experience America with trips to National Parks, Washington, D.C., and other areas of historical interest.   I'm just sorry that his excessive alcohol consumption got in the way of our relationship.  I can forgive but not forget.  

And, yes, I miss him.

Sometimes it is really hard for a father to be a daddy. Especially if they were never shown how. We learn by others mistakes as well as our own.
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My dad is a piece of .....turd. I doubt the fence could ever be mended. My grandparents raised me after my mom died when I was 3. I turned out pretty fair without a dad. I am a semi-successful chicken farmer lol

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