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Feeling like an old folk... woke up ~ 3am, rolled around till 5 then got up... spent the whole day as a total waste sitting in my recliner dozing off and on. Lots to do, just no desire or motivation to do anything. Good on you Deb for moving (physically)! <sigh> oh well... tomorrow is another day. Supposed to have a chance at rain the next couple of days. We could really use it. Fall is now here. No frost yet, but won't be long now. Still have the bedroom window open 1/2 way 24/7.
The first house I lived in up here in ALASKA had some single pane windows! :eek:

Dang was that cold!

People say that they are "not energy efficient" but they do not say that it feels like there is a fist sized hole in the wall.

The first week of cold weather I think I got up several times every night trying to figure out where the hole in the wall was. The arctic blast hitting my back as I tried to sleep in bed had to be coming from somewhere.

Yep.. It was coming from the WINDOW. The joy of a single pane window!

As to wood... "The heat that warms you thrice!" :lau

So much better than nada, so much better! (Currently my only form of heat, but I still have internet, so WOOP! :rolleyes: -proof of me being demented-)
I read it... Looks good.

Just came back from lowes.... they are open till 10 store doesnt carry it but i can order it to be drop shipped. I need to find out what the shipping is ... could be a deal breaker.

Bought more shelves for the garage...

Still sitting in utter disbelief that I read SCG give it/her permission to snow
After last winter would have never expected that!

I'm trying a different tactic this year.


The first house I lived in up here in ALASKA had some single pane windows!

Dang was that cold!

People say that they are "not energy efficient" but they do not say that it feels like there is a fist sized hole in the wall.

Can you do the plastic sheeting? I put that up a couple winters at this house, but it's a giant pain in the butt, the cats would rip it down or the windows that had a lot of draft would have the plastic ripped off the top corners when we'd get a really windy storm. Not worth a couple hours of my time, anymore.
Quote: Thanks for the suggestions ya'll.

We usually do put a towel on the floor in front of the door. But we have some really old windows that the wind just blows through. We have been working on replacing them with double pane windows. But I will get them covered with some plastic soon!
I would be happy to take off and go somewhere warm for the winter.
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Chicka, if you're cold you should get a heated mattress pad. I like them much better than a heated blanket; although, when you combine the two products (the double broiler) is when you achieve heat nirvana.
Thanks but I have a heated water bed. But just being up and about in the house is a job trying to keep from being cold. lol
My hubby keeps saying he's going to get us a wood burning stove for the living room so I showed him a fireplace that you can buy and put anywhere.
He just shakes his head. He has lived her in this house for 20 yrs. and he's used to it.

I just need to get some sweats to wear in the house I guess.

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