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Diva, a stoat is one of the smaller of the weasels Not THE smallest, but they can fit through a hole the size of a quarter.

In my trapping class we were told anything in the weasel class is basically a hot dog with legs. If a hot dog could get through, a weasel could.

Knock on wood, no weasel problems here but we are still plagued by skunk, which seems to be my lot in life.
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Any praying folks out there, we'd appreciate a few for one of my best friends, family....
His little sister posted this on facebook, prayers are super appreciated.
He's in really rough, bad bad shape, but stable. I didn't want to bring it up here, just praying for miracles.

I babysat him and his older brother when they were little kids and I was a teen. When he was a teen it was him that got me into rabbit hunting with beagles, if you ever saw one of my posts about harvesting hundreds of rabbits and they are excellent done up like hot wings, this was the guy that helped make it happen. I adopted a male beagle pup, tried training him on rabbits just like on the movie 'Where the red fern grows' (that was with coons though) dragged a rabbit through the woods this way and that, to see if he would follow it, he did, but never barked.... I mentioned it to him, thinking I had a crappy silent beagle, he laughed, "why would he bark at a dead rabbit, LOL!" Little punk 15yr old took me and my little male pup with him and his beagle on a hunt, I'll never forget that little pup beagle of mine opening up and bawling like a coon hound after that first rabbit, his female right behind, she sounded yippy, squeaky, turned into a long time friendship. Kid would wake me up every day, come on! lets go hunting! Day after day, lived for it, more for the dogs than us, loved that about him, never shot the rabbit if we jumped it, "let the dogs run it" he'd say...There's nothing to compare it, deer hunting is awesome, IF you get one, rabbit hunting with beagles is a guaranteed priceless....
Praying for you hard my friend.
Prayers for your friend and his family and friends
are being said here.

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