The Old Folks Home

But Felix! We need our updates from Finland! And good dry humor!
How are the bunnies, the chickens, the garden, etc?

Well, I guess if you gotta work, you gotta work. Don't forget about us
Hey there, Bunny!

Well Bruce, if you insist:

Garden is doing great, maters, eggplant, beans and pumpkins being the main focus this year.

Then the front side of the house:

Three ways to utilize IKEA boxes (and a bit of compost cage parts):

A bad pic of some of the bunnies and chickens:

Yep they will stop supporting it and all the other apps out there will require W10. I am going to look at those privacy settings. Any suggestions on how to get my Fitbit to sync again...?

I am still chasing down passwords. for the stuff I set years ago and forgot. Got my Google password reset and my Thunderbird talking to Google.... Thats a biggie. but am still dukeing it out with TVGuide...

Yep they will stop supporting it and all the other apps out there will require W10. I am going to look at those privacy settings. Any suggestions on how to get my Fitbit to sync again...?

I am still chasing down passwords. for the stuff I set years ago and forgot. Got my Google password reset and my Thunderbird talking to Google.... Thats a biggie. but am still dukeing it out with TVGuide...

For the fit bit, make sure that the bluetooth drivers are current. I have seen Win 10 not upgrade the drives--like for the system drivers and the video drivers. Onc PC here was using 2012 video drives when the current driver was from 2015. It made a big difference getting the new drivers onto the computer.
Oh my... passwords... the bane of all of us! I actually created an excel spread sheet and start the first column with a link to the site, then follow on columns to save; sign-on, passwords, pins, answers to stupid security questions, etc. The excel file is saved/hidden/not named "passwords" (I suppose I should print it in case my puter crashes). Since with Win 10, you have no choice (that I can find) but to have an initial sign on password to open the computer
(I know an experienced techie can get around this rather easily) I'm not really worried about the excel file getting compromised.

Of course windows privacy is a nightmare (by design) and I too HATE the fact that in order to use the internet you have to allow others/anyone/anything access to your private life. I do all in my power to restrict that as much as possible with the privacy settings as well as add-on programs that block scripts, advertising, cookies, and everything else I can and still leave the actual site functional. ( I have a "smart" phone and try to block all this stuff there as well) Sites that require me to reveal myself, I just don't use. There are almost always alternatives. I refuse to use IE unless I have absolutely no choice, and now won't use Outlook either. I refuse to pay monthly to use MS Office so will no longer update/use those products either. I use Firefox and Thunderbird for internet/Email, my old office 2007 software, and will use the suite at when that no longer works. There are also open source software programs like picture editors, with as much capability as anything windows has. Luckily I'm no longer in a situation where I feel "forced" to use MS products, EXCEPT of course for the fricken OS...

Yes, I know Mac is an option, but as was stated, they've become just as bad. kinda like our political 2 party system... pick the poison that's least detrimental, kills you the slowest.
I also won't use Google Chrome as Google IS an advertiser. their browser is another privacy nightmare IMHO.

Hey Diva, "upgrading" to widows ten isn't really too difficult. If you go to the windows site (use internet explorer, not firefox or any non-windows browser) and click to upgrade, it will allow MS to scan your system to find out details about your present OS and then automatically start the download and install. Walk away once it's started. When I did it, the computer never indicated it was finished and didn't shut down automatically at the end (updating WIn 7). So I manually shut it down and re-started it and it immediately loaded up and started doing the standard (every 3 days!!) windows critical security updates. The biggest issue/problem could be the age of your system... If it doesn't have enough speed/memory to run win 10, that could pose an insurmountable problem, and major hardware upgrades or a new faster computer may be required (which would already have win 10 installed).

Hey @vehve ! Nice to see some pics. The place is looking very serene.
So glad to hear that you've become employed, ie: a "productive" part of society
Nobody should be able to live an easy life as a homebody, free of the labor requirements associated with social well being, and corporate profits, as well as taxation of course, until they are old enough to no longer be able to take full advantage of said freedoms. Like me
Glad to hear you and yours are doing well. I assume that your better 1/2 and dogs as well as the already mentioned animals are doing well.
Oh my... passwords... the bane of all of us! I actually created an excel spread sheet and start the first column with a link to the site, then follow on columns to save; sign-on, passwords, pins, answers to stupid security questions, etc. The excel file is saved/hidden/not named "passwords" (I suppose I should print it in case my puter crashes). Since with Win 10, you have no choice (that I can find) but to have an initial sign on password to open the computer
(I know an experienced techie can get around this rather easily) I'm not really worried about the excel file getting compromised.

Of course windows privacy is a nightmare (by design) and I too HATE the fact that in order to use the internet you have to allow others/anyone/anything access to your private life. I do all in my power to restrict that as much as possible with the privacy settings as well as add-on programs that block scripts, advertising, cookies, and everything else I can and still leave the actual site functional. ( I have a "smart" phone and try to block all this stuff there as well) Sites that require me to reveal myself, I just don't use. There are almost always alternatives. I refuse to use IE unless I have absolutely no choice, and now won't use Outlook either. I refuse to pay monthly to use MS Office so will no longer update/use those products either. I use Firefox and Thunderbird for internet/Email, my old office 2007 software, and will use the suite at when that no longer works. There are also open source software programs like picture editors, with as much capability as anything windows has. Luckily I'm no longer in a situation where I feel "forced" to use MS products, EXCEPT of course for the fricken OS...

Yes, I know Mac is an option, but as was stated, they've become just as bad. kinda like our political 2 party system... pick the poison that's least detrimental, kills you the slowest.
I also won't use Google Chrome as Google IS an advertiser. their browser is another privacy nightmare IMHO.

Hey Diva, "upgrading" to widows ten isn't really too difficult. If you go to the windows site (use internet explorer, not firefox or any non-windows browser) and click to upgrade, it will allow MS to scan your system to find out details about your present OS and then automatically start the download and install. Walk away once it's started. When I did it, the computer never indicated it was finished and didn't shut down automatically at the end (updating WIn 7). So I manually shut it down and re-started it and it immediately loaded up and started doing the standard (every 3 days!!) windows critical security updates. The biggest issue/problem could be the age of your system... If it doesn't have enough speed/memory to run win 10, that could pose an insurmountable problem, and major hardware upgrades or a new faster computer may be required (which would already have win 10 installed).

Hey @vehve ! Nice to see some pics. The place is looking very serene.
So glad to hear that you've become employed, ie: a "productive" part of society
Nobody should be able to live an easy life as a homebody, free of the labor requirements associated with social well being, and corporate profits, as well as taxation of course, until they are old enough to no longer be able to take full advantage of said freedoms. Like me
Glad to hear you and yours are doing well. I assume that your better 1/2 and dogs as well as the already mentioned animals are doing well.
Windows 8 required a logon--Windows 10 allows you to skip it.

I have upgraded a bunch of them laptops and desktops to win 10 and some do not have startup passwords. Others are required by UCD Policy to have passwords and not be administrator accounts.
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(posted to FB by BYC)

I wonder how many people in here will be seeing this. Heck, is anyone in this group IN the movie??

Chicken People - Movie Trailers - iTunes
Chicken may be just food for most people, but raising the perfect chicken is an all-consuming passion for some. “Chicken People” is a documentary that takes a charming and fascinating look at the colorful and hugely competitive world of champion show chicken breeders. A real-life “Best in Show” but…

Hey Ron... how do I skip the sign in password on win 10? I looked when I first got it and gave up as I couldn't find a way to disable it... Your help would be greatly appreciated!

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