The Old Folks Home

Had fun yesterday afternoon when I got home. Had time to put out the horse skeleton SCG and I built when she was here.

We now live in Halloweentown USA here (literally, you know the movie Halloweentown, well it was filmed where I now live) and they get VERY into this "holiday" -- it's quite the tourist attraction and apparently you are encouraged to go all out and decorate in support of that. Not going to happen this year, but I think I might hit up some stores on 1-November to pick up some great clearance deals on decorations. This is the kind of thing I could get into putting up -- or maybe a flock of giant chicken skeletons.....
PS I WILL NOT put veggies in the brownie mix.
Oh, come on, some veggies are a great way to add some moisture to recipes and sneak a little health food into your chocolate......

Yesterday morning I had one of my senior moments. Got in a glass elevator at the mall- turned around and saw I was still on the first floor. Aimed a few nasty words at the elevator and got out. Then it dawned on me that I had entered on the first floor and never pushed the button for 2. Duh! Next store was Walmart. I saw a woman in wheelchair struggling to lift a long package. I went up to her and said "I'll help you with that." and put the package on the conveyor. She said " I already PAID for that. I was trying to get it in my cart." I apologized and slunk away.

Okay one lesson learned if I can remember. ASK people if they need assistance BEFORE you help them.

Well, you get an A for effort, right?

The biggest pumpkin I've grown to date (and not even from "big" seeds).

It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!!!!
I found the pic. I actually had a skull that I found one time (complete with a neat little bullet hole right in the middle of the forehead) but I chose not to hang on to it. I, too, prefer 'em with some meat on their bones.
I collected a bunch of cool skulls... Including a horse skull from the horse that I rode as a kid... But with going to college, all the moving, getting married, having kids... I left them at my parent's house, and my mom set them out in the garden so that you could see them from the living room.

But...... City squirrels ate them all up!!!!!!!!

I would have loved to have them on the walls of my livingroom... They would go great with all the little squirrel pelts that the kids have made.... But no such luck.
There was a dead seal here a little while ago, I was hoping I could get the skull to draw but someone else took it.
I don't have any skulls or anything like that - thank goodness. But, I do have a collection of puppy teeth from the 70's and I had some dog bladder stones, in the a bottle in the fridge but, somebody must have tossed that out.

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