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Evening all!

Managed to get poured on when I was taking care of the birds today. How do I always manage to time it so that it starts raining when I'm out there, lol?

Ritz went in with the pekin flock today. All seems well, she joined right in and the other girls didn't bother her at all, just accepted that she was in there now.

Oh, and remember that guinea female that I rescued that stole a male from the neighbor? Well, he knows he was over here (that came in up the goat-emu debacle, which I'll have to tell because I'm realizing I don't think I did) and he wanted me to keep him. So he's officially mine. And, the female started laying! I found a nest in their pen today with three eggs. I'm really surprised, I wouldn't have expected her to lay until spring and they're fairly seasonal so this is a bit late. I figure she must be happy and like her boyfriend, haha.
Yay! Happy ending for the guineas! Goats and emus?

So, I was out taking care of the birds and I realized the gate into my emu pasture was latched really weirdly. Figured I'd ask the neighbors about it.

Didn't need to. He saw me out there doing chores and came over and told me the tale.

They bought two young goats. Now, these goats must not have been handled basically at all because apparently they are WILD. They opened the door to the barn stall they had them in and they both bolted. One took off and he hadn't seen it again when he told me this story (I hope they got it back). The other one, though, ran straight across the road and into my bird pens.

Now, two of my bird runs are situated off the front of the emu pasture, so they share a fence. The gate to the pasture is in between these two runs, so the result is basically a three-side rectangle with the gate in the middle.

The goat managed to herd itself into the rectangle and then, while panicking, forced its way through the gate. It immediately regretted this, I'm sure, because Ciara knew that it didn't belong and snapped into guard bird mode.

She chased it down and started stomping it. My neighbor let himself into the pen to retrieve the goat before Ciara straight up stomped it to death. She actually helped him herd it into the chicken pen. At which point he bent over to pick it up and Ciara decided that since the goat was dealt with, she would now deal with the other thing that didn't belong in that pen - him.

She bit him on the leg, lol. When he grabbed the goat and turned around she was drawing herself up at him. Luckily, she did not kick him, but he made a swift exit, goat in tow, and latched the gate weirdly on his way out.

The goat was fine, by the way. The neighbor thought it was all funny, and so do I.

Of course, this all happened on the one day I had taken the game cam down to change the batteries so alas, no footage of the event.

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