Must. Get. Turnip. Seeds!
This year's gardening experience was terrible! All but the sweet potatoes failed! Not even the Zucchini produced and the cucumbers taste bitter. Only two red cabbages made it and the salad was eaten by wild birds. Nothing grows on my land but weeds! I wish i could sell weeds, i would be stinky rich. :hit
Compost those weeds. Compost will hold water in your soil and improve the flavour of next year's cucumbers. If you can grow green manure crops over winter, such as rye, tic beans or lupins where you live, that will also help to improve your soil. Tell us more about your garden. We can throw hundreds of suggestions at you, you can ignore 99% of them and try the ones you like.
Do they think ratio should be 1:1? Gosh how cool would it be if they were monogamous, could have twice the ducks. Finding snails must be a childs gift. I remember finding bucketfuls of snails as a kid with my brothers and sister! We use to see who could fill a bucket first. But as an adult I swear I am lucky to find their glossy trails. Yes servo... I didn't realise I wrote servo when I posted and then thought people probably think I'm speaking in tongue :idunno

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