Good morning. Nice easy shift but I'm still exhausted. Massive storm rolling in tonight. 'Forced' three day weekend, not going to complain much. Until the bills arrive and I can't pay them, lol!

@WannaBeHillBilly Everything okay over there? You haven't said anything in a few days.
Apologies, i got too busy with my job, snatched up a rare opportunity to develop some real software for the company and worked from 9 to 5… - 5 not 17:00!
And dealt with these guys:

Those will be used as fence posts for the new berry-garden, that will be planted very soon.
Being up when the rooster(s) crows is for the birds... :th

Glad I didn't go to work. Everything is snowbound right now! Even the ducks don't want to venture out in all that white!
Ducks love rain and mud, but they hate snow! 1,2,3,4 steps, sit down and retract landing gear, rinse and repeat… 🤣
How much did you get? our snow has been pretty much null this winter. But we have been known to get 3' in March so who knows :idunno

Good Morning and Evening Everyone. Have a great Saturday!!
Noooou! Please no snow in March!!! - All the trees and shrubs have started to flower and there's green leaves everywhere. A late raid of the winter-ditch would kill everything off.
Happy Saturday to Everybody!

That was a scary night tonight: Gusts were overturning trucks on the interstate and uprooting trees, i lost power, internet and cell-service yesterday late afternoon and was on generator until 2pm today. Fortunately everything's back.
I just let the ducks out in the morning and went back to bed, because i couldn't sleep. (just fell out of it an hour ago)
As far as i can see, the storm has not caused any major damage her, some things got toppled over (wheelbarrow) and Mr. Limpy's private pool was ripped out of the ground:

The neighbor said there has been a tornado warning for the area overnight… 😲
And somebody died here while i was asleep, those are not duck feathers:
All very mysterious.
Anyways, i have another date with some tree trunks (i wish i had a winch to haul them up the hill…) and i need to take care of a lot of seeds… 👋🏻
Ducks love rain and mud, but they hate snow! 1,2,3,4 steps, sit down and retract landing gear, rinse and repeat… 🤣
Yes, my Magpie will flop down next to the food to eat! LOL! I need to keep checking their 'landing gear' to make sure they aren't suffering from frost bite.
Had one (I have no idea what she did) that had to be culled because her feet and legs were ice.

Glad to hear you're okay! I'm thinking that digging myself a bunker and going to ground is sounding more and more sane every day... And as long as you had fun doing all that coding! Lol!
Yes, my Magpie will flop down next to the food to eat! LOL! I need to keep checking their 'landing gear' to make sure they aren't suffering from frost bite.
Had one (I have no idea what she did) that had to be culled because her feet and legs were ice.

Glad to hear you're okay! I'm thinking that digging myself a bunker and going to ground is sounding more and more sane every day... And as long as you had fun doing all that coding! Lol!
How about an igloo? :D
Ducks love rain and mud, but they hate snow! 1,2,3,4 steps, sit down and retract landing gear, rinse and repeat… 🤣
You guys have strange ducks ;). Our ducks when the snow came at first they was cautious, but once they checked it out they was ok with it. They did lay down in it a bit more it seemed than without snow, however they still was running around and even would go swimming in their pool if I was able to break the ice on the surface for them.

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