So i drove to the orange big-box store and back and there was a lot of water damage visible in the holler. The debris-line indicated that some parts of the road must have been under 2m (6') of water.
Who knew that chain-link fences act as nets that collect debris and turn into dams and will be knocked over by the raising water behind them?
Coopers creek, to which my little creek is a tributary looks like garbage dump, i saw the content of several houses shredded and distributed along the banks. I found a bucket from the blue big-box store at the side of the road that was completely intact.
Checked on my neighbors and they are all fine, apart from some minor damage due to erosion. Fortunately the forecast promises us some warmer and sunnier weather for the upcoming week...
Glad you will get nicer weather ahead Frank. We are getting more rain on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We really don't need anymore at all but Mother Nature is in charge, not me. lol She's having quite the crying spell lately.
I guess I would try to fold the netting over the lip of the swimming pool and use clothes pins to hold it in place. If not clothes pens the I would drill holes and zip tie it in most places. I had my hubby drill holes on both sides of my brooder and I have metal tent stakes going down through it holding my sturdy plastic netting in place. I just hate to see you have to get rid of them.
Glad you will get nicer weather ahead Frank. We are getting more rain on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. We really don't need anymore at all but Mother Nature is in charge, not me. lol She's having quite the crying spell lately.
That 😞 is because you will get even more rain. I consider myself lucky to live on a sometimes muddy and slippery hillside. I can deal with the mud and the slipping, but there are many people in my area who have lost the lower story of their houses…
I really hope the rain won't be too bad in your area! 🤞🏻🤞🏻

And in August we all will beg for some rain again…
Look at these qwazy qwackers:

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