The Queen Pebbles 👑🐔


Premium Feather Member
May 29, 2023
Canada 🍁
This is Pebbles,
she is almost seven years old and is the queen & grandma. She was my first chicken and has been in many a bad situation I bought her as a pullet when I knew nothing about chickens and how to care for them. She, and four other chickens ( now ☠️ ) were free ranging, walking down the dirt road I live on to the busy road and nearly getting hit multiple times. One time I had a friend over and I was showing her my chickens, I was so focused on talking to her I accidentally closed the chicken coop door and locked my chickens out! We searched all night, finding nothing but rocks and sticks. As, living in Canada there are tons predators out in the woods so we thought our short time as chicken owners was over so we gave up and went to bed. The next morning I got up went under my deck and there were two of my chickens, all cuddled up under the deck! Surprised a shocked, I ran down to the coop and found another two, but still no Pebbles! Having the littlest bit of hope, I set out to the forest but I had no idea what I would find. I looked down and
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