The Quiz thread

Lol, so if I wouldn't have changed iceskating, I would've had all five.

1. Our house is 20 or 22 years old?
2. We built the first barn on our property in 2008 or 2009?
3. I have to leave soon to go where: the horse place I volunteer at or to go shopping?
4. What's on our fireplace mantle: a ceramic turtle or ceramic pig or both?
5. There's a big draft horse at the place I volunteer at. What's his name: Billy or Dakota?
Haha ok. :)

Are we going home or to a hotel?
What are we naming our goats, lily and maybell or Trixie and Cami.
What's my dogs name, Sugar or Candi.
Do I like Brussels sprouts or broccoli?
Do I have 1 or 2 other siblings?

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