The run away cost of feed

Eastins Eggs

11 Years
Jan 11, 2009
Ceresco Nebraska
What do all of you think of the growing cost of feed.

What are you paying for your feed.

What type of feed are you feeding.

I just received 2 ton of 16% layer feed Friday from the feed mill and payed $585.00 that's up $50.00 from just last week and $25.00 from the week before. If it keeps going up like this every week I'm ether going to have to raise egg prices dramatically (like 50 to 75%) or shut down indefinitely. A neighbor with a good sized hog operation told me he is getting out of the business after he sells his current batch of pigs until feed prices come back down to earth. How are the rest of you cooping with these run away feed costs.
Do you think this is another way to squeeze the little guy out of selling eggs? Ever since I found out how they mass produce the eggs you buy in grocery stores, I've bought only free range or organic, depending on what was available.
Selling eggs is tough even if you can get cheap feed. There is a ton of work involved in any serious operation.
It is usually easy to find eggs from local chicken owners in your area though. Craig's List has a bunch of listing where I live of people selling eggs.
Of course I went ahead and got some hens for my eggs. Now I know exactly where they come from and how old they are.
Bonus: I got 4 new pets to love!
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Prices are going up, but your price seems pretty high.

On Thursday I bought 3 tons of 17.5% certified organic layer feed. It was $410 per ton, delivered. It was a corn/wheat/peas/soy ration.

Conventional feed is high right now, with organic selling only at a slight premium.
Yes, I was disturbed. Hatching egg prices will need to go up as well.

Egg Maker last month sold for $13.65 a 50# bag. If you can find it now, it's $15.55. Layena has gone up to $15.00 a bag.

Crazy times.
Yes, it's all a mass conspiracy...

No, nobody controls the grain markets. It's all based on worldwide supply and demand. They are expecting poor wheat crops in drought stricken Russia, and China is importing large amounts of corn, so grain prices are going up.
Yes, it's all a mass conspiracy...

No, nobody controls the grain markets. It's all based on worldwide supply and demand. They are expecting poor wheat crops in drought stricken Russia, and China is importing large amounts of corn, so grain prices are going up.

The governments policy of over subsidizing the ethanol industry over the livestock industry doesn't help ether.
I'm a mechanic and also raise chickens. Ethenol is a joke. It is just an excuse to raise the price of corn. Ethenol ruines all the fuel lines for your machinery. It really adds nothing to the fuel put cost. Our government really scares me sometimes.
Yes, it's all a mass conspiracy...

No, nobody controls the grain markets. It's all based on worldwide supply and demand. They are expecting poor wheat crops in drought stricken Russia, and China is importing large amounts of corn, so grain prices are going up.

The governments policy of over subsidizing the ethanol industry over the livestock industry doesn't help ether.

A good chunk of those subsidies are set to expire in December. It's up in the air as to whether congress will renew them or not. Ethanol was the buzz just a few years ago, but interest in Washington is waning.

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