The run away cost of feed

Hi just back to clarify a few things about our farm. Yes we have a large egg operation but we also farm row crops about 300 acres. So the high grain prices are a double edged sword for us. We will make a good income off the grain we harvest but right now we are breaking even, to loosing money on the poultry side. On another note I am also a mechanic and have been for over 25 years, but now I only work on our own equipment.
Without the advances in yield potential and yield attainment we would be in a dire situation. Forthunately the use of technology and recent advances in plant breeding and selection have allowed us, the Americn Farmer, to produce more grains and oilseeds on less acres.

I try to feed them kent multi-flock, but lately i've only been feeding them whats on sale
(and free rang of course)
I buy from a local feed mill. The price went up a $1 per 100 lbs. 2 weeks ago and is up 50 cents more per 100 lbs this week. I hope this trend does not continue...ethanol production has already doubled the price of corn a few years ago. It sure makes it hard on the little guys!!! IMO

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