The Sizzle Thread!

AFChick is right on these:
Sizzle- barbed (hard) feathered in either smooth or curly
Frilkie- non-barbed (soft) feathered curly (This is just a nickname for a frizzled Silkie)

However, on the FB Sizzle Chat, a "Shizzle" is a Showgirl (NN) with barbed (hard) feathers & can be smooth or frizzled (frizzle Shizzle) - try saying that 10 times really fast.
A Showgirl with frizzled silkied feathers is a frizzle Showgirl or frizzle Naked Neck Silkie. There's no nickname for this one. Hmmm...maybe a "Frigirl"? lol

Thank you for the clarification on the "Shizzle", Country- I own PLENTY of sizzles but no "shizzles" sooo lol (their necks bother me being bare.. must be some sort of latent phobia

"Frigirl" hmm not bad .. kinda like ladybug for both genders (another reason showgirls bother me lol)
Thank you for the clarification on the "Shizzle", Country- I own PLENTY of sizzles but no "shizzles" sooo lol (their necks bother me being bare.. must be some sort of latent phobia

"Frigirl" hmm not bad .. kinda like ladybug for both genders (another reason showgirls bother me lol)

I think I just thought of a better one for a frizzled Showgirl - how about Frowgirl? lol!
BTW, I love your rooster. He is gorgeous!
Hello! I have a silkie chick who is about 7 weeks. Someone mentioned in the silkie thread when she was just getting her feathers in that they looked like they were coming in smooth and she might actually be a sizzle. She has most of her feathers now and they are definitely smooth. Is she what seems to be called a smooth sizzle? As a chick she completely looked and was shaped like a silkie.

This is Winnie:

Do you think she is a sizzle? If so, does it take as long to reliably sex sizzles as it does silkies? What do they look like as adults?

Thanks so much for reading.
Hi, i kind of skimmed this thread, but haven't found the answer to a question i have. i have read that you can not breed two sizzles together, but can you cross them with silkies or will you get the same brittle feather problem?
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You can breed Sizzles together (frizzle to smooth), you shouldn't breed two frizzles together. That's where the problem comes from. You can breed them back to Silkies as well, again, just not frizzle to frizzle.
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Awesome, thank you! That's exactly what i was wondering. i recently aquired 4 sizzle chicks. 2 are smooth, one is frizzled and one looks like a silkie. i have two silkie hens and was hoping i'd be able to breed them if any of the sizzles are roos. They are freaking adorable. What do the Sizzle silkie cross typically look like?
Here are some of mine:

(one of my juveniles I'm hoping is a pullet

(frizzled Silkie)

They came from either a Silkie mother or father (to improve type).
This is what my first generation looks like:

I still have this girl, she's a great broody. The chicks in this picture are the blue and black birds above
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