~The Song of Night and Dread of Day~ The RP(Role Play)

Amara began panting, the sun was already beating down on her. She looked back at Siena. "Do you want to find a shady spot?" She asked kindly. All because she was an alpha didn't mean she had to be bossy.
Amara smiled, she loved finding little ways to increasing her packmates happiness. She turned to a large Bush, it towered over their heads. Amara crawled under the leaves, into the shade, she looked back at Siena to say. "You are welcome to come under too."
Amara sweated out the heat, panting to keep from overheating. Even in the shade it was still hot, but a few degrees cooler then in the sun. She looked at Siena. "I may be your alpha in a pack, but out here we are loners, no need to keep distance out here. It is only US two no need for dominance, just relax." She lay on her side. She didn't want Siena getting less of everything when there was only two of them. Out away from the pack it didn't matter
"It is fine, I just figured you would like a break, you can act however you like." She smiled
Amara smiled, at least she knew her pack members didn't see her as a bossy, know it all, alpha

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