The status of DOG HELL to CHICKEN HUT


8 Years
Mar 25, 2011
Oakland County, MI
So this is the old dog kennel completely gutted. All the walls were rotted. The roof and supports resemble a park pavillion.


So far, this is the progress we've made. My only regret is it most likely will never look as cute as some of the smaller coops I covet here on BYC.


The front was going to be fenced in as the run but bc of the anti chicken laws in my area the side is open mesh, no neighbors on that side will know. The giant box is the chicken area, pretty large for my 5 soon to be 4 chicks.


So after its all done the front walls will linet up, we'll paint it a pretty sage green to match the house and so far, the neighbors all covet our huge shed and wish they had one.

I actually am making an effort to know my neighbors, anything for my chickens!
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Oh hi, I remember your kennel photo - nice progress

My only regret is it most likely will never look as cute as some of the smaller coops I covet here on BYC.

^ oh my size is way better than cuteness, hang some potted flowers and put a lawn ornament near it
So do you guys think a one sided run like that is ok? The ceiling is all open rafters with mesh wire over the top. I wanted plenty of ventilation althought with this heat wave is does stay quite cool. Probably due to the cement floor. In the winter I"ll have some kind of ceiling put in, was thinking something I could take out in warm weather and add back for winter.

I was worried code enforcement would crack down on me. We didn't pull a permit and DH says an inspector would never approve bc of the previous state when we started. My co-worker that lives here said that since its a pre-existing building he didn't think they could say anything but I'll have to call.

I can't wait to see how it looks when its done its been such a process and its slow going with my husbands work schedule. And enormously expensive! Thanks for the kind words all its been a rough week!

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