The story of my flock


Feb 21, 2023
It was the end of February I had wanted chicks for years and after reading all about chicks chickens and more since fall I was ready I had been told tractor supply got their chicks the last week of February I was very excited I lined the gray plastic tote with paper towels and had taped a mirror on the wall I was going to pick up chick feed pine shavings a heat lamp and more my plan was to check for chicks while I was their I was so excited i rushed to tractor supply I saw the bins and rushed over filled with happiness it was finally going to happen sorry were all sold out said a lady and man I slumped I was so disappointed I called the tractor supply in dover and they said they had jersey giants leghorns and Rhode Island reds even though I wanted none of those breeds I decided I’d get the Rhode Island reds once at the store I fast walked over to the chick bins but to my disappointment again they had jersey giants pullets and another breed straight run I had been told the chicks they had last week!!! I was super disappointed now I had driven all the way to Dover to find someone had told me the wrong information I got in the car I read a bit about jersey giants and found they were really sweet and docile I rushed back inside and adopted 4 sweet little jersey giants I named them Blossom Jessie Lily and Marigold now the breed I had wanted was Buff orpingtons back at home I settled the jersey giants every day for a few days I called tractor supply until the got buff orpingtons I brought home two little yellow fluff balls who I named Hope and Daffodil who’s nicknamed Daffy by the end of the week all 6 of them had learned to jump in my hand to come out they also enjoy sitting all over me one day I was enjoying time with them when marigold the biggest of the bunch jumped on my head I heard a squirt I gasped and picked her up off my head I started very slowly feeling around on my head phew I let out a breath I started rubbing my head then I felt it I had smeared in the biggest chick poop into my hair I groaned I put all the chicks back then took a shower I washed my hair three times!!! The chick days flew by faster then I thought possible soon they were taking trips outside I loved to sit in their tiny run with them the plan was to get them a bigger run and coop when they were older a year flew by now they had a very big coop and run it was spring again however during the year I had welcomed a unwanted rooster into our flock however he was terrified of me not a lap chicken like our other girls I spend time with him and worked with him I was rewarded when he began to sit on my lap I celebrated the girls birthday with heathy chicken cupcakes decorated with banana icing and cucumber sprinkles the girls loved them!!! However a problem had started knight my rooster was hurting the girls because he was so big and because there weren’t enough hens he was slicing their skin open with his sharp nails soon he had a new coop and run next to the girls run however he wasn’t happy he spent his days pacing and calling in vain to the girls the girls however were thriving i new I had to rehome him even though it broke my heart I found him a nice home and the lady he went to have me three chicks!! Two calico Cochins and one frizzle Cochin they were so sweet I loved them right away I named them Amelia Violet and Nat Nat they were two weeks old thank you for reading my story my new chicks are three weeks old today and doing great they now jump in my hand to come out and enjoy cuddling! I would love to hear your story!

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