The Sussex thread!


My two 'girls' (weren't sexed, but fingers crossed!), Addi and Jenny, bought them today. Around 5 - 6 weeks old, we were told. *Had* to get them, because they were the only chicks that didn't bite when I tested them with my finger. Gorgeous little things and so easy-going.
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While most chicken keepers will shudder at this, I purchased 3 speckled Sussex sexed chicks from mypetchicken and they have done awesome and have all of the typical breed features so far. They are 9 weeks.
i have $150 irds and $1 birds and they all serce their purpose. For this purpose hatchery ould be fine if they had them! Believe I have checked. Ideally I will find ssome breeding stock at some point.
I certainly started off with hatchery chicks - and now I know what I like and can spend more on breeder birds.

Also - I got my snaplock coop from mypetchicken and they had great customer service. I didn't need any birds at that time ... but good customer service is a good sign for a good business.
Has anyone had trouble with mean SS roos? Mine just got re-homed because he turned on the girls. They got along and bred fine for about 3 months than 1 day he lost it. The attacks were not like domination or breeding attempts they were vicious. Most the girls hid in the corner and took it not fighting back. The lead hen did give it a valiant try and got a few good licks in before I broke it up. He was out to do damage so I crated him for a few days but it didn't get better so I sent him to a big farm. I just thought it was weird he turned on them all. He was fine with me once I got my hands on him it was just the girls he was after.
Wow ! No experience with that here ... sometimes a decent roo will start to attack ME as I walk away -but not the hens.

I have roos that step in and break up fights between hens, but other than a quick peck - they never are abusive to the girls. Sounds like he is ready for that Mean Roo Stew ......
lovely to see a Red Sussex. I have three, who are awesome foragers and lay an egg EVERY day (I keep a light on all night)

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