The Sussex thread!

I agree I also got my chicks at TS and although they are fun I bought all pullets and of the 6 there are 2 that have very large combs. I am really worried because I can not keep them because of noise ordinance. This is our first year with chicks, and we are having a blast and would hate to loose a friend, not to mention the perspective eggs
I am crossing my fingers for you! My SS has feathers like a pullet, attitude like a pullet, feet, pelvis, etc except for that darn HUGE comb! I wish I could know frustrating, but kind-of fun too. Just waiting on a crow. They are almost 8 weeks, so we should know soon, I hope. Other people have told me that SS take longer to tell because the outward signs take longer, do you know if this is true of the crowing too? I am new with chickens, any help is appreciated
My Sussex. Rooster already started crowing yesterday and they have started mating with the hens
My Light sussex chicks at 6 weeks. Anyone want to have a guess at the sex of each? Or is it too early to tell still? Thanks
What was supposed to be Speckled Sussex from Tractor Supply look pretty much exactly like the second chick from the left in this picture of Nicky-the-witch's chicks. Whatever they are, they are filling out very nicely and very pretty.
my 4 wk old SS

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