The Sussex thread!

I posted her on the April hatch thread, but saw this thread and couldn't help but show off my Coronation Sussex, Marshmallow. She is a year old, a great layer, and super friendly. She is broody right now, so we got her 3 Light Sussex and 1 Buff Orp egg to hatch. I am pretty sure that 1 of the LS eggs is a quitter, but that leaves me 2. I love this breed so much I am really hoping for a LS Roo... hopefully the rest of the eggs make it to hatch (still 9 days to go)!

Very nice looking hen. Hope your hatch goes well. I have half of mine are broody now so not many eggs to put in the hatchery.

My Lil SS is getting Tail Feathers!! Boy they grow so fast....gonna be 2 weeks on Sunday!! She's a little on the skittish side but I'm hoping the others mellow her out a bit. Haaaa

  • He is 9 weeks on Monday. He began to crow at about 7 and a half weeks. If you are interested in seeing him check out the FB page Hunter's City Chicken. It is my sons page and there is a lot of helpful info on there about sexing chicks and how we knew we had a couple of Roos. I will say that when we went to TSC they were awesome they gave him a new pullet, a black sex link because there were no more SS chicks. He is raising them for 4-h and school. I really have fallen in love with ours.
well at 4 weeks Pox ( the one we think is a rooster) Finally got a little bit of tail feathers. the girls had theirs at 1 - 2 weeks. I'll show some pictures of bothe Dumpling and pox for comparison. They are the same age and the same breed :)








We have one that looked very similar to pox at that age and the rooster traits are getting stronger by the week. "He" hasn't crowed yet but I'm sure it could be any day.
My speckled chicks are about two weeks old this coming weekend. Yesterday i took them outside for a bit since it was so nice and they enjoyed eating worms and ants. Today a few have watery stool. They are on medicated feed so I doubt they have coccidia. Could it just be from having different food (worms/ants) yesterday? They all seem fine, other than th stool change.
My speckled chicks are about two weeks old this coming weekend. Yesterday i took them outside for a bit since it was so nice and they enjoyed eating worms and ants. Today a few have watery stool. They are on medicated feed so I doubt they have coccidia. Could it just be from having different food (worms/ants) yesterday? They all seem fine, other than th stool change.
Hello Phoenixrotts,
I am no expert - but my chicks (now 10 weeks and healthy) were raised by my broody in the back yard free range, they often have looser/watery stools and seem to be fine. I did not feed medicated feed either.
I would think, unless they start to look under the weather they will be fine.

Nicky x
They will be fine, there is a higher water content in those things...grass, etc. and this causes the loose stools. If it does not return to normal after a day or so then offer oatmeal. This should help to firm it up. My chicks also get this loose stool if they are too warm. Like if I leave the heat lamp on over night in the brooder they may have loose stools in the am, but we feed a mix of oatmeal, scrambled eggs and roasted smashed egg shells. This helps.

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