The Sussex thread!

mostly Comb and wattle size... but also the roosters tend to have more black in there feathers at this age and he looks fairly dark... 

Thanks. (Dang it!) That comb has me worried. The side toward the camera is the wing I trimmed because the bird tried to fly inside the house - which the cat thought was "interesting"- when I first got it. The feathers actually are more than half white, overall. My other birds are Ameraucanas from a friend. Our city just legalized backyard hens, so if this bird crows it's going on Craig's list... unless friends in the country/outside the city limits will adopt it.
Sorry on both accounts. It looks like a rooster. Sussex do not have feather legrs. Must be a cross of some type. Cochin,Brahma,marans. Not sure. Good luck! Bill
Sorry on both accounts. It looks like a rooster. Sussex do not have feather legrs. Must be a cross of some type. Cochin,Brahma,marans. Not sure. Good luck! Bill

Thanks, Bill. I will chalk this up to experience. I'm going to see if this bird gets any more masculine while I'm out of town... I'll get the full report from my critter sitter and figure what to do when I get back. I sent a heads-up to the person I got it from & we may have to swap 'him' out for a bona-fide pullet. Now that I have a better idea what to look for... I still kind of keep hoping this turns out to be female. It has a fairly docile personality so far.

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